Chapter 43

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Tapping my pen a million miles per hour on the stack of papers in front of me doesn't release any of my stress. In fact, it actually makes it worse. I dread the moment Novilunium Pack will arrive

Will I be able to control myself till tomorrows event

I know when I see him the temptation will be too strong to stop myself, let alone Gray, from killing him on the spot. I don't have a choice at this point, I have to let my Beta greet them and make sure they get settled into their rooms. If I go out there, it will be a blood bath.

I send a mind link to Derrick letting him know that he's responsible for meeting them and to let me know once they arrive. His only response was a quick chuckle, which only amplifies my anger. My two closest friends absolutely know how to piss me off, knowing I'd never hurt them. They are like brothers to me, the only two people I trust without hesitation.

Well, three now

Damn. I need to go see Octavia, her scent alone will calm me down and help me think clearly. I'm on the edge right now, probably going to snap any minute.

As I get ready to leave, something on our pack house security cameras catches my eye. Octavia pops her head out of our bedroom and chats with the two guards at her door. I can tell from her facial expressions that whatever she had planned was not going well. She rolls her eyes and closes the door back, one of the guards walks away and the other one is wearing a sour look on his face.

Looks like I need new guards for her

Since this has caught my interest, I wait to see what the guard left his post for. Watching the rest of the cameras I see that he's heading in the direction of the kitchen.

"We should be the ones feeding out Mate" I hear Gray tell me.

Trying to tune him out, I pretend to not even hear his comment. Knowing full well he's right. The guard makes the task quick and he's already on his way back up. I turn my attention back to the camera near our room when I see the other guard walking away

For fucks sake

Can't they just follow one simple instruction. Don't leave her alone. I'll be dealing with them shortly.

Both guards stop near the staircase, have a quick conversation and the guard holding the tray just nods his head, while the other walks off. He makes his way to the door and knocks, immediately it opens and I see my Mate. She takes the try and quickly slips back into the room. The guard stands back into his spot just beside the door and everything seems to be normal.

Where the fuck is the other guard

Not even five minutes later I see the door open again, with an empty tray.

"Our mate was hungry and we could have fed her" Gray growls.

"We can't push her right now, she still needs time. Just be patient" I reply even though he refuses to listen to me.

She softly smiles to the guard, saying something to him. Then I see him take the tray and walk back in his route to the kitchen

Fucking hell, they've left her completely alone this time

Clenching my fists together, feeling my claws slipping through, I let out a frustrated growl. The claws are piercing through my skin and my anger is rolling off of me like waves in a storm.

A storm that's brewing for two guards now

As the guard gets out of view, I see my mate open the door back up and peek outside. When she sees the coast is clear she darts to the elevator. Knowing her, she's probably trying to sneak off to Mikis room. If I leave now I'll intercept her. As I get ready to walk out of my office, my Beta Derrick sends me a mind link letting me know that the Novilunium Pack has arrived.

Fan-fucking-tastic. Not only is my mate running around like a ninja alone, that piece of shit Alpha is here.

I move quickly to the stairs and make my way up to Mikis room. When Im close, I finally catch a glimpse of my Mate. She's looking behind her shoulders so she hasn't noticed me yet. I only have a few seconds to catch her off guard before she smells my scent and I lose the element of surprise.

She still hasn't noticed me and she picks up her pace, almost running then collides right into my chest. My arms grab her waist and I pull her flush against my body. Chills and sparks dart across my arms, lighting every nerve ending i have on fire. Her sweet scent hits my nose and I can feel Gray purring

He's actually purring like a fucking cat

Her cheeks turn bright red once she realizes who's holding her. Fear briefly flashes across her face, quickly replaced by anger.

"Hello Mate. Where are you off to in such a hurry" I say, tightening my grip on her.

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