Chapter 58

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Giving Gray control, he scans the crowd, taking in the faces of each one standing. Memorizing them, making sure not to miss a single face. This will be over quickly, not many members of each pack remain. I can feel his desire to kill, to eliminate the threats against our mate. Turning his head to the sky, he lets out his thunderous roar, his Alpha power raining down. He's telling them to bow, to submit themselves to him.

Octavia doesn't know the full extent of our power, how we are able to control wolves. We have the ability to make Alphas bend their knees to us. A power I should have used a long time ago, maybe if I did, she wouldn't have been hurt like she has. If I didn't spend my life in misery, angry at the world, I could have made those Alphas do better. Commanded them to do so. Choosing to lock that part of me away, I've allowed these Alphas to get away with crimes in their own packs. That stops now, if I have to travel to every pack in the country I will. Maybe, with Octavia's help, we can start to make changes for all wolves who are treated with abuse.
My focus was always on making my own pack better, now I see that I should have spent more time looking into other packs. My own pride got in the way, angry that my kind have never experienced a true mate bond. Now that I have, I want to be a better man for Octavia.

I can feel the anxiety rolling off our Mate, she's worried for us. Her emotions are flooding through our bond. Gray glances over to her, she gives us a soft smile. He roars out again, before charging off to our first victim.
His super strength and speed, allows him move so fast, only those with trained eyes would be able to see him coming. Few wolves have managed to dodge his first attack, no one has ever averted his second.
Like most, the first wolf doesn't see us coming. Gray moves so quickly, snapping the neck of the unsuspecting wolf. Two more, standing close by, suffer the same fate. His claws slash through the throat of another, leaving the wolf to bleed out on the ground. The five remaining, all gather in a fighting stance, attempting to prepare themselves. Gray finally slows down, this time allowing them to see us coming. He walks, slowly, to the group of wolves. Baring their fangs, growling, warning Gray to stop. The bigger two in the front, step forward, the other three follow. They start to circle around Gray, snapping at his legs. Unimpressed, he kicks one of them, sending him flying across the ground. The wolf jumps back up, charging at Gray again. Another one, latches down on Grays arm, sinking his fangs deep, managing to get blood. In one swift movement, Gray rips the head off the wolf, tossing it to the side. Now he's angry, no longer taunting the remaining wolves. The wound on his arm is already healing. He picks up the wolf, who he just kicked, cleanly snapping his neck. This time, he picks up two, one in each hand. The wolves thrash in his grip, growling and clawing, trying to break free from his hold. Gray squeezes harder, cutting off their air supply. The last wolf tries to attack while he's holding the other two, but Gray kicks, landing a deadly blow to the side of the wolfs face. He drops the lifeless bodies, of the two he was holding, letting them fall to the ground. Giving one last look around, he accepts that all the threats have been eliminated. Turning to the sky, he booms out again, asserting his dominance over this fight.

As I shift back, I feel two small arms wrap around me. The sweet scent of my mate, filling my lungs. I turn to face her, dropping my head lower, to breathe her in.

"I was so nervous. I saw that you got hurt for a moment there. Are you ok?" She asks me, blinking back tears

"Don't worry, love, I'm already healed" I tell her, wiping a tear from her eye.

Justin interrupts us, handing me some clothes to change into. I glare at him, clearly annoyed by his terrible timing.

"The woman and children are packed and ready to be relocated to our lands. I've been in touch with some of the guys there and they're bringing extra cars for them to be transported. They should be here soon" he tells me.

"Good, make sure they have rooms set up for when they arrive. You and the warriors start dealing with these bodies here, Octavia and I have something else to take care of"

Taking her hand, I lead her away from the bloody scene surrounding us. Jasmine and Gavin follow behind, as we make our way towards the pack house.
She looks up at me, confusion on her face. I know she's wondering what I have planned, but it's better to show her. Inside the house is a surprise and I can't wait for her to see it.

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