Chapter 30

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Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge, but if you're gonna judge me
Well, sentence me to another life


This little wolf is slowly getting to me, all I can smell is her scent. I can barely control Gray anymore, his desire for her growing stronger everyday. I need to make a decision about her soon. If I really do reject her, it needs to be done quickly. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to hold back.

Watching her train today took everything in me not to take her in the middle of the training grounds, I could tell she sensed me looking at her. The way her beautiful hair caressed her back, slowly turning to look around, attempting to find me. Everything about her is beautiful, perfection sent from the heavens above. Gray wants me to give in, to take her and claim her as ours. I know better though, nothing good will ever come from our union. My past will never allow for a glimmer of happiness. Hell, I don't deserve it. All the lives I've taken, mates I've separated, a killer like me doesn't get a happy ending. Life is most certainly paying me back now, atoning for the crimes of my past, and future. Having to watch from the shadows, as my beautiful mate parades around in front of me. Torturing me with her gorgeous face and impeccable body. She's everything wonderful and pure, clean from the filth that I would bring her. A lifetime of darkness and death. A legacy that would be passed on to our children, future killers, future leaders and future Lycans. A future that she doesn't need to be apart of, she needs someone better, someone who will love her more than I can.

If anyone so much as looks at her, I'll rip their eyes from their heads.

Slowly I walk away, back to the house. Being in close proximity to her makes me want to kill every male that stands too close. I need to calm down before I murder my entire pack.
I head inside to my office, where Derrick is waiting to discuss some new developments in our on going plan to expand our territory.

"They've asked again to come, Damion, what do you want me to tell them. Have you thought about their proposition?" He asks

I lean back in my chair, trying to keep my mind on the task at hand. And not think about the mate who is constantly teasing me by simply walking around here.

"I'll allow them to come, under the conditions we discussed. They are to surrender half of their lands, and the second they even think of fighting, I'll rip their throats out personally" I respond.

"Yes alpha, I'll let them know now" Derrick replies.

Now that we've taken care of that, we both head down the hall so I can announce the news during supper. I've never allowed a neighboring pack to come on our lands before, but in ordered to expand our territory, I've made an exception. We will train their warriors and house them for 2 months. That should be ample time for them to learn what they need, hopefully not die in the process. 

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