Chapter 44

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Love. I think I'm actually in love

Hearing him finally tell me the truth was like a breath of fresh air. I still have my doubts, I mean who wouldn't. This man is flawless, he's the most gorgeous male I've ever seen. Even without the mate bond, I can't resist how my eyes gravitate towards his. The scars on his arms, veins protruding out around his giant muscles. The small stubble of his beard poking through around his perfectly chiseled jaw. I'm still pretty certain that he's a direct descendant from Zeus. It's just not possible to be this good looking and not be blessed from the Gods themselves. I can't help myself as I reach up to stroke his arms, feeling him tense up as I run my fingers slowly up to his chest. Taking my time to feel every curve of his muscles.

Goddess what he could do with these arms. I bet his hands alone could crush someone's skull. Actually, I bet he's already done that.

A small growl rumbles from his chest as my hands make way down to his abs

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven

As I get to number eight he snatches my hand away.

"Little mate, if you continue this I won't be able to resist you any longer and I will fuck you right here. However, I don't wish for our first time to be in the hall way for anyone to walk up and see. Not that Gray would mind. He and I, want every male in this pack to see who you belong to" he growls, pulling me even closer to him.

I can feel the bulge in his pants pressing against my stomach. My face is probably as red as a tomato right now and desire is flooding my insides. My panties are already soaked and I know he can smell everything.
His hands slowly run down my sides and he runs his thumb on the inside of my pants.

"I can smell you, Octavia, it is the sweetest scent I've ever had the pleasure of indulging. Do you want me to taste you right now, to lick that sweet nectar from your juicy pussy" he whispers in my ear.

I let out a moan at his words. Just hearing him speak them makes me even more wet. My body is completely at his mercy. I want him so bad. To come undone from his touch.

He moves his hand further down my jeans, rubbing slowly against my very wet panties.

"Ah, my sweet mate is soaked for me" he says

Slowly pushing them to the side he slips a finger to feel how wet I really am. Taking the juices, he rubs up till my clit is covered in it. Another moan escapes my lips as he begins to rub my clit. His eyes are solid black now, so I can sense that Gray is here too. He works his finger in slow circles, sending tingles all over my body. The pressure inside of me is building up and I don't know how long I will last before I come undone in this hall-way. As though he senses my pending orgasm, he slips another finger inside of me and that sets me over the edge. I'm so far gone, I see stars. My head rolls back and I let out a scream. Pleasure washes over my body and consumes me. Smiling, as he takes his hand out and sucks his fingers licking every single drop off.

"I will never get tired of watching you cum, and I will absolutely never get tired of this delicious taste. Your pussy is the most delectable thing I've ever had the pleasure of tasting" he purrs into my ear.

"Now, let's get you to your friend. If we stay here any longer. I will fuck you" he laughs, taking my hand as we walk down the hall to Mikis room.

I can't believe that just happened

I can't believe I'm not even embarrassed

What is he doing to me

I knock on Mikis door, still holding Damions hand. I could get used to this. Having a mate who actually cares for me and chooses to hold my hand. It's new and exciting. Miki opens the door and I can't help but laugh as her eyes go wide when she notices Damion standing beside me.

"Umm hello Alpha, what brings you here" she asks, eyes darting between us. Then down to our hands. A small smile forms as she sees that he's possessively holding me.

I guess I'm possessively holding him too

"My mate requires a visit with you. I'm just here to accompany her" he replies.

Omg he actually called me his mate in front of someone

Grinning like a little school girl, we walk inside her room. Still holding hands.
Nik walks in, his expression the same as his mates, as he sees the Alpha inside of their room.

"Hello Alpha, to what do we owe this honor" he nervously asks. Miki trying to suppress a laugh as she walks up to her mate.

"As I was telling Miki, I'm here for my Mate. She desires some time with her friends" he replies, still gripping my hand tightly. His possessive beast trying to show this male that I'm his, even though he's mated and his female is standing beside him. I just chuckle as I stoke my other hand up his arm. My touch soothes him, and I can feel him relax again.

"Sorry about him, he's really just adjusting to this new mate bond. We both are" I explain. "But don't worry, he's a big softy" I say, causing both Nik and Miki to laugh.

"I don't think I've ever heard anyone call our Alpha a big softy, O. I'm pretty sure that only applies to you. The rest of us he would slaughter in a second" Miki says while laughing.

"Hm you are right Miki, but since my Mate has deemed you important to her. You have nothing to worry about" Damion replies, not missing the little bit of Alpha command he lets out.

This time we all laugh as Miki shows us to the living room. We sit down on the couch and Damion takes the opportunity to make me sit in his lap.

Not that I would have argued anyway

One of his hands rests on my thigh, while the other he uses to gently rub my back. Sparks ignite across me with every soft stroke he makes.

I'll never get tired of feeling this

Miki and Nik just watch us, I'm sure it's highly entertaining for them. They've never seen their Alpha outside of pack events or dining, and definitely have never had him in their private room.

We discuss the tournament tomorrow and I fill them in about Novilunium Pack being here. Miki has clear concern written all over her face, as does Nik.

"Maybe it will be best if you just sit out and watch. I don't want you getting hurt, O" Miki pleads.

"I've already tried to talk her out of it, but she's a stubborn she-wolf" Damion says

"Listen guys, I'll be fine. Plus Damion already agreed to step in if anything goes wrong" I reply, thankful for their concern. "Plus, Miki, you've been a great coach. I really think I'll be able to get in a punch or two against him. Everything will be ok. Also, we aren't announcing the bond between us for now. So, we need you guys to keep it a secret. If Juda finds out before we fight, he will probably try and run away. He knows he's no match to Damion, hell anyone with a brain knows that. But, i still want to get the best chance possible. Without people saying I just got that far because I'm mated to the Alpha. For now, we will let them think that I'm Judas mate and he's here to get me back"

I can feel Damion tense under me. His anger rolling off of him, making Miki and Nik bow their heads to show respect. His eyes are jet black, so I know it's only a matter of time before Gray takes over and goes on a killing spree.

I need to do something to calm him down

I turn my body around against him, forgetting that two other people are still in the room. Placing his face in my hands, I don't even wait a second before I place my lips on his. He growls as his hands possessively pull me closer to him. He deepens the kiss, grabbing tightly against my ass. I can feel his dick hardening under me, our tongues battle against each other. I break away and lean my forehead against his. He moves his head to my neck and inhales my scent. I can feel his body relaxing again, hopefully enough for me to get him out of here.

"Baby, I'm trying my best here" he croaks out "this goes against everything I stand for, but for you, I'm trying"

A tear slips out of my eye. He sees it and wipes it away. Im not sure why I'm so upset. I guess I'm just not used to someone actually trying for me. It's new and I'm scared that it's going to get taken away. I don't want to lose him now that we are finally together.

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