Chapter 20

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They get mad when I put it in perspective
But let's see if my knowledge is effective

Atia makes it across the river. When we are on the other side, I shift back. The clothes in the bag are damp but manageable.

I start to run, I don't know what direction to go but my instincts are telling me I'm going the right way. Who knows what I'll find but I'm sure it's better than where I've been.

Anything is better than that hellhole.

I've been running for what feels like 20 miles, I break to rest, my body isn't used to this kind of running and I have zero stamina left. I'm relying solely on Atia's strength.

"We need to keep moving, O. Let me take over for a while" I hear Atia say.

Without a second thought I shift.

Atia runs, she runs so fast, I can't even believe the ground we are covering. We will finally be far enough away, that they won't be able to find us.

The sun is starting to show on the horizon, soon it will be time to find shelter. Running during the day is too risky, I can't afford to be seen. My stomach growls, that small slither of bread has long been digested, I need to hunt and find something quickly. Atia is better equipped at finding prey, I don't know how much longer we will need to rely on her strength alone to make it through the wilderness. Letting her take over, we continue forward.

Never having left our pack lands before puts me in a slight predicament, Im unfamiliar with the surrounding pack lands borders, so I need to tread carefully. The last thing I want to do is cross into Dark Moon Pack. I would be better off returning to my old pack and facing their wrath, than seeing whatever sick punishment I'd receive from Dark Moon Packs Alpha.

From the stories we were told In school, every Alpha in that Pack has been more ruthless than the last. They kill for pleasure, even their woman are fearless warriors. The pups start training at young ages and by the time they're 18, they are full warriors. They are the strongest pack in the world. Their Alpha's own bloodline stemming directly from the first original Lycan.
The first Lycans were said to be pure animal, hardly any human traits in them. Ruthlessly attacking anything in their paths, our own history books tainted with wars and bloodshed from the reign of The Firsts.
Two, pure blooded, Lycan brothers who wrecked havoc in the time of the Gods. It is said that Selene stepped in to intervene before things got worse, trying to save her precious clan of wolves, before they went extinct by the claws of the Lycan Brothers.

The beginning ages were vaguely recorded so the actual truth probably died with The Firsts. Honestly, I'm not even sure I believe that Lycans existed.

Atia slows down, signaling it's safe for me to shift. Grabbing my clothes from the bag, I quickly change. The sun is almost up now, so time is of the essence. I scan the area, trying to find anything remotely close to shelter. Thankfully, not far in the distance, I spot a cave. Eagerly I run towards it, not realizing the grave mistake I just made. For, in my oblivious state, I just crossed into the lands of the most feared man in the world.

Dark Moon Pack

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