Chapter 32

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My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard


Our morning breakfast is interrupted by a loud bang, all heads turning to see what the commotion was.

Just like a scene from a movie in slow motion, in walks a beautiful she-wolf, with long red hair, followed by an Entourage of people, I'm guessing the new trainees. There are at least 50 people making their way to the front, to greet the Alpha.

One of the men in the group glances towards me, his eyes seemingly familiar. A quick smirk crosses his face, and he turns his eyes quickly back to the front.

What was that

The fiery red head marches up to the front of the hall where Damion is now standing.
"Catiyana Montez" I hear Miki whisper. "She's the daughter of Alpha Montez, in Luna Eclipse Pack. Rumor has it she's got a thing for Damion and her father has been trying to secure a marriage between our packs. After several failed attempts, he managed to convince Damion that he needs warriors trained in exchange for that land. However, I wasn't aware she would be coming. Guess things will be interesting now" she says

Interesting Indeed

Catiyana makes her way right up to Damion and grabs his arm, extremely too friendly.
He's like a statue, barely moving, muscles slowly flexing as she pulls herself closer to him. Her breasts rub across his arm while she's leaning in with some shitty attempt of a hug.

Don't lose control, don't lose control

I can feel my claws starting to push into my skin. My hands clinched tightly in a fist, trying to control myself with this interesting display in front of me

"I'm so happy to finally be here, Damion" she says seductively, while placing a free hand on her chest

Don't lose control

"Father was so happy that you finally agreed to his arrangement, and I knew right away that I needed to come along personally" she yaps

Atia is stirring, I'm barely able to control her.

His body not even moving, but his eyes find me. My brows furrowed together, waiting to see how this plays out. He doesn't push her away, which angers me even more. I'm sure Miki can feel the rage rolling off of me by now because she turns to grab my arm, in some attempt to calm me down.

Why the fuck isn't he pushing her away

"What the hell, O. I can't believe he's just letting this happen in front of you" I hear Miki say, her face in pure disbelief.

"Welcome members from Luna Eclipse Pack, remember the rules which have been discussed prior to your arrival, if you even think about breaking one, I will not hesitate to kill you personally. From today onwards, you will listen to everything my Gamma, Justin, has to say. If he reports anything to me, you will regret the moment you crossed into my lands. I hope I've made myself clear to each of you" Damions voice booms across the room. Everyone nodding in agreement, not a single one daring to look him in the eye.
No one other than me
" make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the rest of your meal. The training will being tomorrow morning. Feel free to explore the grounds and get familiar with my warriors. They will be here to help you while you are training" he says before exiting from the room.

The red-headed whore chasing quickly behind him, followed by Justin, Derrick and a few of the new members from Luna Eclipse pack, I'm assuming her bodyguards.

Let's go kill them both now, Atia says

No, he's already going to reject us. Just forget him and her. They aren't worth it. I reply.

Miki and Nik have continued eating, but I've seemed to have lost my appetite after that disgusting display moments ago. While I'm day-dreaming about both of their demise, I hear someone clearing their throat behind me.

As I turn around, I see the same man from earlier who walked in with the pack members. Something seems very familiar about his eyes, I just can't place it.
During my obvious stare down, Miki has caught on and turns to see what has caught my attention.

"Hi, can we help you with something" she politely ask, trying to respect the Alphas command of being nice to the new group.

His eyes still focused on me as a small smirk comes across his face.
"I just wanted to formally introduce myself to Octavia, we have a lot in common" he says, still looking at me.

Who is this guy

"I'm afraid I've never even met you" I retort, annoyed at this stare down.

"True, but I know all about you" he replies, major emphasis on the all.

What the hell

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