Chapter 59

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Watching that fight was nerve wracking, now that it's finally over, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. Damion has done so much for me, more than I could ever explain. My life has been one terrible experience after another, but now I'm finally getting free from the past. Seeing him take down the people who hurt me, gave me such relief, knowing I wouldn't be tormented anymore. As he pulled me away, I saw my old high school bullies amongst the bodies, no one, who bullied me from Novilunium, survived. I'm sad that this was their ending, that they couldn't see past their own pride. Part of me is glad, in a way, now my mother, Mrs Ollie and the old me can finally have peace.

Walking towards the house of my nightmares, I hold onto Damion a little tighter. My chest tightens, my heart is racing. I look up at him, confused on what we're doing going to the house. He stops at the back door, hesitantly opening it. I can't breathe, the memories flood back to me. This door is close to the kitchen, one of my worst memories took place there.
Grabbing my shoulders, I stiffen at his touch. He rubs up and down, trying to calm me.

"Breathe baby, it's okay. I'm here with you. You can do this. Just breathe" he whispers to me

I take in a deep breath, closing my eyes trying to let his voice soothe me. I command the panic attack away, not allowing it to consume me.

"That's it baby, you're doing so good. Just take deep breaths. I'm right here with you"

I turn to look back at Jasmine and Gavin, both giving sympathetic looks.
"We're going to walk up to the front and keep an eye out for the guys coming with the cars. I think you both need a minute alone" Jasmine tells us, giving me a warm smile before leaving.

Damion walks me into the kitchen, still holding onto me tightly. On the ground, I see two gas jugs, then I feel something cold slip into my hand. Looking down, I see a lighter. I stare at it for a moment before it finally registers what he's done.

"I told you I'd burn the world down with you, Octavia" he tells me, stepping to the side to pick up a gas jug.

When I said I'd burn this house to the ground, I wasn't sure if I really meant it at the time. Looking at it now, I'm more than ready to set this place on fire. The very floor I'm standing on is where they took Mrs Ollie's life. He hands me a jug, even though my hand is shaking, I take it. Taking one last look around the room, I let out another deep breath. Closing my eyes, I push back the tears. Turning the jug over, I let the fluid spill to the ground, covering the very spot I remember her body laying at. Walking out of the door, I head to the basement. Damion follows closely behind me, reassuring me to breathe slowly, as we descend the stairs.

The small, shitty makeshift bed is still tucked away in the corner of the room. I laugh at the sight of it, that they didn't even try to throw away the clear evidence of my abuse. Damion growls. I know he's struggling now that he can see with his own eyes, the situation I was in. Anger and rage start to build up inside of me, tears stream down my face for all the moments of cruelty I endured in this room. Taking the jug, I begin to pour the gasoline everywhere. Covering the bed, walls and floor. I scream out in a rage of fury, letting everything go as the last drop leaves the container. Looking down, I take out the lighter and strike it. The tiny flame, slowly dances in my hand, waiting for me to set the blaze. Without hesitation, I let it fall to the mattress below, watching as it moves quickly, consuming everything in its path. Two arms wrap around me, snatching me out of my trance. The fire spreads around the room, burning away every dirty moment that happened here.
Damion moves us so quickly, I don't see the glorious inferno anymore. He rushes us back upstairs, then immediately out of the house. The blaze has spread so fast, it's already in the main floor. My heart beats wildly in my chest, watching as it devours everything.

"Damn, Octavia. When I said burn it down, I meant AFTER we were outside. Justin already prepped the other rooms so the house was covered in gasoline" he growls at me

"I was caught up in the moment" I reply, shrugging my shoulders

"Well, you certainly got the job done babe" he laughs, wrapping me in a hug.

The fire rolls out of the windows, shattering glass everywhere. The house is fully engulfed, beautiful amber flames destroying every inch. I can't help the smile on my face, seeing the end of this nightmare. It's truly satisfying, finally being free.

I turn to look at the crowd of children and women who chose to come with us. Tears are falling from all of their eyes, mothers are holding tightly onto their children. They don't look sad, they look relieved. I can't help but feel like I'm not the only one glad to see this place burning to the ground.

The entourage from our pack arrives, bringing multiple SUVs into view. Justin and the other warriors start guiding the women and children to the vehicles, a few taking one last look at my masterpiece. Damion leads me to our car, with Gavin and Jasmine following behind me. We all climb inside, not saying a word, just watching, as the house begins to fall inside of itself.  Damion starts to drive away, I watch out of the side mirror, seeing the thick, dark smoke fill the sky. The sun is setting, soon we won't be able to see it anymore. I take one final look, before the trees obstruct my view. Letting out the breath I didn't realize I was holding, I grab Damions hand. He brings it to his lips, giving me a soft, tender kiss.

"For you, Octavia, I will do anything. I love you" he whispers to me, before I let the exhaustion of the day finally take over. Closing my eyes, I welcome the sleep, for the first time since I can remember, I actually sleep in peace.

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