Chapter 15

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Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
-Lady Gaga

I lay here paralyzed with fear and In shock.

"We need to leave tonight Octavia" I heard Atia say.

How can I run. I know he will hunt me down. He will never let me go.

"We need to get him to reject us. Somewhere public so he has no choice" she said

Would that work?

What would Jessica say if she knew I was his mate. Once I leave the basement and she smells his scent all over me, she will know. I have to plan this carefully. I need to pick a time where they're all together so he doesn't have a choice but to save his reputation and let me go.

New Moon Feast

Could that even be possible, escaping during the monthly New Moon feast? Self doubt takes control and anxiety sweeps across me. I have two days to get everything prepared. If this is successful, then I will run and never look back. I would rather live as a weak rouge and die by someone else's hand then spend another day in this pack.

As I lay in my bed, I can't help but feel anxious, wondering if this ridiculous plan will even work.

The next morning I pack an extra set of clothes in a small bag that I can carry while shifted. I don't really have anything else that holds value, and I only need extra clothes in case I have to shift in a hurry and shred the ones I'll be wearing. The last thing I need to be is naked, in the vast woodlands, being chased by heavens knows what.

An omega left a glass of water and a small ration of bread outside of my door. I chug the water but put the bread in the bag. I don't know how long I'll be out there but I need to save what I can. I've never hunted before, so I'm not sure I'll be good at it. I know it comes naturally to wolves but I'm still scared.

"I will protect you Octavia, you can trust me. Nothing will happen to you when I'm in control. Eat the bread now and save your strength. We are going to need it" I hear Atia say.

Reluctantly, I shake my head, acknowledging she's right. She's the only one I trust so I swallow down the stale bread.

Just one more day. I can make it one more day.

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