Chapter 46

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Feeling the cool night air breeze through us makes me feel more than alive. The freedom of running through the woods and being one with nature. I've always loved the power that Atia brings me, together we feel unstoppable.

Let's give Mate something to chase

She definitely attempts to bring out the wild side in us, constantly. I'm not sure it would even matter at this point if I disagreed. I'm just along for the ride.

I can sense Damion near us, not like his gigantic form is hard to miss. The fact that I'm still not trembling now is very surprising, I guess knowing since our bond is finally in place, he would never hurt me.

Gray is absolutely stunning, all 7ft of him is perfect. Atia certainly can't stop shaking her ass, teasing him. Pretty sure this girl is about to flop down right now and let him pounce her.

I thought you wanted him to chase, you little pervert

Mate wants us. Let's have pup

Goddess, she's so horny. I should probably just take back over before this gets out of hand and they end up tangled in the woods all night. I will never get rested enough to deal with the tournament tomorrow.

Fine, we will play

She starts picking up speed, darting between trees. I hear a howl and know that Gray isn't far off. I'm sure it will be a matter of seconds before he catches up, like all good Alphas chasing down their prey.

Atia fakes a right and branches snap behind us. This is actually really thrilling. For once we aren't running for our lives but running for enjoyment. I can sense how happy she is, knowing that we will be caught soon.

A black blur darts beside us and then two arms scoop Atia up. We didn't even stand a chance but it was fun nonetheless. She squirms around, trying to break free but it's useless, not like she's really trying that much.

Damion takes back over, running his hands through Atias fur. "Your wolf is so beautiful" he says

Of course this adds a million points in her book so she starts prancing around boasting.
Horny wolf

Mate loves us

Shifting back, I can feel his gaze on me. Both of us fully nude, sexual tension at an all time high.

"That was fun, I really needed that run. Atia has been cooped up for too long" I say

"You are both so gorgeous, I don't know why the Moon Goddess blessed me but I'll never be able to thank her enough" he replies, wrapping his arms around my body. Sparks ignite everywhere and I'm extremely flustered.

"Let's head back to the house, if I stay out here a minute longer. You will be fucked, right by this tree" he growls in my ear


Taking his hand he leads me back to the pack house, we stop at the edge of the woods where the extra clothes are stored and grab a couple of outfits.

"You know I'll be extra murderous tomorrow now that you have my mark, don't you?" He says, gripping my hand just a little tighter.

"I'm almost positive I will be too" I say teasingly.

"We just need to come up with a good plan, to throw Juda off guard, and to show your pack that I'm willing to fight for them, for myself"

Damion growls, running his hand through his hair. He turns to face me and gently puts his hand to my face.

"This is really hard for me, O. Everything about me is meant to protect you now. You are my very soul. If a single scratch marks that beautiful body, Novilunium pack will cease to exist tomorrow. This is a fact, please keep that in mind when you fight. Protect yourself, fight hard but remember, all it will take is one single scratch" he growls before leaning in to kiss me.

Chills run down my spine, I know he means every word. I know I can't blame him for feeling protective of me, doubts creep into my mind and I'm beginning to wonder if I should just let him handle this for me.

"The pack doesn't deserve my kindness, they obliterated my spirit, crushed my soul and tortured me for years. Nightmares still plague me, I know they deserve everything that's coming their way, but for once I'm putting myself first and facing my demons head on. Tomorrow, Juda will be in for the shock of his life. Octavia from Novilunium is dead"  I say.

"Octavia Johnson, from Dark Moon Pack is here to burn their world to the ground"

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