Chapter 17

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Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there
-Soul Asylum

When Juda left I had to hurry to set my plan in motion. I grab the rest of the water from my cup and attempt to wash off his scent from my stomach. If Jessica smells me right now, I don't even want to know what she will do to me. I know she's aware they aren't mates.

I wonder if she's met hers and rejected him. If he's part of our pack, out there now feeling the same heartbreak and pain I feel each time they're together.

I can't think about that anymore, it's time to start my plan. I don't have much longer before my window of opportunity closes and I'll be stuck here another month before I can try again.

The meal is always served at 8pm then it's followed by a bonfire outside. My plan is to wait till the bonfire so I can immediately escape through the woods. Patrol will only have a couple of wolves on guard, so if I give Atia control she will have no problem getting past them and off the lands.

I'm anxiously waiting, tapping my foot to release some anxiety. I think time is going backwards. It's now or never.
I head up the stairs to the hallway meant for lower members of the pack. From there I can slip into the kitchen and steal some food while everyone is busy in the main dining hall.

I've been hiding in the kitchen pantry for 30 minutes now trying to eat without throwing up. It's been so long since I've had anything, it's taking longer than I anticipated to keep the food down. But I need to get my strength for the running I'll be doing later.

I grab a couple strips of dried meat and place them in my bag. I tuck the bag back under my shirt and make my way to head outside towards the bonfire. It won't be much longer now and they'll all be out here. If I can hide in a small bush, then they'll never suspect anything.

Juda and Jessica are the first out the doors, followed by Ryan and Anastasia. Their minions are close behind them and so is the rest of the members of the pack house; including Judas parents, the old Alpha and Luna.

Excellent, everyone will be present to make this even better. Now he really will have no choice but to reject me with his "mate" and parents present.

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