Chapter 50

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Holding Octavia close to my side, I glance over her body, examining her wounds. My fierce Queen fought bravely, I couldn't be more proud of her. Gray wants me to shift so he can lick her wounds, I can't do that just yet.

"Are you hurting, O" I ask her

"Mm a little but being next to you is helping me heal. Those fights drained me so Atia can't assist me right now till we get some rest. I'm feeling better though and it barely hurts anymore" she replies

It took everything I had not to rip Juda apart when he cut Atias leg in that fight. I saw red the moment her blood started pooling out of her. Standing on the sidelines watching my mate get injured, unable to do anything, it drove Gray and myself over the edge.

With Octavia resting against me, I look out onto the fight before us. My warriors are giving the crowd quiet a show, displaying perfect strength. Most of them have been training since they were young, the others have had years of training after joining our pack. Nik's wolf, Stone, is tearing apart his challenger with precision. His performance is to show me that he's ready to join my private rank, and after today he will. The warriors all take down their opponents, a few with their own battle wounds on their bodies. Now Novilunium Pack is no more. I just hope my mate is satisfied after the events of today. If it would have been up to me, every single member would be dead at her feet. We will need to make a trip back to their pack lands and give the same choice to the members that didn't attend today. I doubt we will face any problems once they hear what took place here.

Standing up, I make my way over to my warriors. Pride swelling in my chest.

"Nik, you displayed perfect strength in your battle" I tell him "take our new recruits to the warrior housing and get them settled in. Tomorrow they'll start their training. When you are done, come see me in my office"

He nods his head, turning to gather the remaining members of Novilunium Pack.

"Everyone else, great job today, you've made your Pack, myself and Luna proud" I tell the rest of the warriors in front of me.

Facing the crowd still looking at us, I signal Octavia to come join me. She slowly walks up to me, carefully not showing signs of pain. I know she doesn't want them to see her hurting, thinking she's weak. She most definitely isn't weak, she's perfect. They all need to see how strong their Luna is, so no one ever makes the same mistake as Novilunium did today.

"Your Luna fought bravely today, those who dared to oppose her, she defeated" I shout out, making sure everyone can hear me.

"Today, Octavia Johnson will officially be joining Dark Moon Pack, not only as a member, but your beloved Luna. She will protect each and every one of you, just as you will do for her" I say, giving my Alpha command.

All the heads in attendance bow down, turning their necks towards us both in submission.

Octavia stands tall, as I grab her hand, holding onto her while her new bonds snap into place. Hundreds of pack members are submitting themselves to her, accepting their new Luna.

She lets a loud howl rip from her throat, when the final bond is in place. I follow her with my own howl, letting my thunderous roar rain down. Every pack member joins in, signaling their acceptance, cheering for their Queen.

"Everyone return to the dining hall, where a feast awaits you" I tell them, bending down to pick up my mate.

The crowd cheers, all leaving to make their way back to the pack house.

Octavia snuggles up against me as I carry her to Jasmine, if anyone can heal her quickly, that witch surely can.

"Place her on the bed, I'll examine her wounds and start some fluids" Jasmine tells me.

Reluctantly, I put my mate down. Gray doesn't agree but I know she's in good hands with Jasmine. Her hands begin to glow, as she runs them over the gash on Octavia's leg. Slowly, it starts closing, leaving a faint scar. Jasmine places her hand on Octavia's head, mumbling quietly, as Octavia falls closes her eyes.

"Her wolf is tired,so she won't heal till she's rested, I've spelled her into a deep sleep, she will be fine by tonight, once she sleeps this off. Her shoulder is dislocated, when I reset it and the fluids are finished, you can take her back to your room" she tells me, as she resets Octavia's shoulder. A quick pop, everything is back in place.

When her bag of fluids finish, I pick her back up into my arms, making my way to our room. I mind-link Derrick and Justin, telling them to find Nik and meet me in my office tonight after the feast.

Stepping into our room, I place Octavia onto the bed. Her body seems so fragile right now, I'm terrified I might break her. Brushing her hair from her face, I leave a soft kiss on her forehead. Settling myself against her, I take her into my arms, holding tight as she sleeps. Her perfect body relaxes against me, and I find myself drifting off with her.

I awake to feeling someone rubbing my hair. Looking up, I see my gorgeous mate starring at me.

"How do you feel" I ask her

She smiles at me "better now. Thanks to you" she says

"I took you to Jasmine and she healed you since Atia was too exhausted" I tell her.

"I love you, Damion" she says, claiming my mouth with hers

Trailing my fingers through her hair, I moan against her. She's constantly surprising me when she opens herself up to me like this.

I love you so much, O
I tell her in our link

She pulls away from me and Gray whines a little at the loss of physical contact. Just breathing her in, calms us both. Now he's just being anxious and needy.

"I think I need to take a shower, I reek of sweat and blood" she tells me.

"Need some help" I offer

"Not this time" she chuckles out as she walks to the bathroom.

I send another mind-link to Derrick, telling him to gather the others for our meeting. Once Octavia is finished, we will figure out the best plan to handle the last bit of Novilunium Pack.

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