Chapter 26

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All around the wind blows
We would only hold on to let go
-Major Lazer

Damions POV

She's just sitting there, on the bed.
Her long brown hair falls messily down her face, barely showing her beautiful green eyes.

My heart starts to beat rapidly in my chest.
Gray let's out a soft growl as we stalk our prey.
She's so close I can smell her scent, mixed with a bit of fear.

She's trembling.

I know she's scared of me, the stories she's probably heard. All of them true.
I'm ruthless, I kill without a second thought.
But for some reason this small wolf has me wanting to lay the world at her feet.
I can't possibly do that though, give into this pull. All my life I've been told the consequences that follow from having any kind of weakness. I will not start today.

I move in closer, unable to stop myself, I grab her face with my hand.
Slightly caressing her cheek with my thumb.

What am I doing

She jumps out of shock.

I'm surprised too, I've never acted like this before. Truthfully I have no clue what I'm doing, or why I'm doing it for that matter.

My eyes dart to her lips, they're so beautiful, just asking for me to take a taste.
I lick my lips and close the distance between us.
My tongue runs between her crease begging for entrance into her mouth.

She submits and allows me inside.

Our tongues are fighting for dominance but she doesn't put much of struggle before I'm taking control.

Gray let's growl in satisfaction.
I can sense his desire, he wants to mark her right now and never let her leave.

She's terrified of me, for reasons beyond the old stories, something else is hidden deep down behind those beautiful green eyes, and I'm determined to find out.

The kiss deepens and I can smell her arousal. It's making Gray go crazy.
Hell, it's making me go crazy.

I want her so bad.

Goddess she's so beautiful.

She pulls away from me so I rest my head on hers, we both need a second to catch our breath after that. If she hadn't of stopped me, I don't think I would have been able to control Gray any longer.

I can't do this

Pulling away from her, I turn and leave the room. Staying any longer in there with her will make me cave. I'm the strongest Alpha wolf the world has ever known, but sitting on that bed is the one person who can bring me to my knees. I can never allow that to happen. I need to get away from her, before Gray takes control and marks her. Before I lose it and devour every inch of her. Make her squirm beneath my touch, as my hands caress her beautiful body. Just thinking about her makes my dick so hard, it's aching against my jeans, begging to be released.

Stop. What am I even thinking about that for

I need a release. Too much has happened and I need to let Gray out so we can run off some steam. This little she-wolf has no  idea what she's even doing to me. I need to take back control before it's too late.

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