Mob Wife 7

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Mob Wife 7: That Italian Guy

Adrian hadn't noticed he fell asleep on the couch cooped up in the corner of the run down hotel room. Time was going by, and eventually he had fallen asleep. His body jerked up as he heard the jiggle of a doorknob. His eyes snapped opened and he looked around the room noticing his son was no where in sight. Negative thoughts took over his mind as the images of the enemy kidnapping his son, and someone being behind that door was going to kill him. As he was in his head about his next actions, the sunlight beamed through as the door slowly opened.

His initial instinct was to aim his gun in this person direction and to shoot, but the dark brown curls of his son made him sigh in relief and slide his weapon back onto his lap. "Ivan, что ты делал снаружи? Я приказал тебе оставаться в этой комнате, если я не скажу тебе уходить. Ты мог погибнуть," he called out with a look of anger written across his face. Ivan is his only son, he refuses to lose him.
What were you doing outside? I ordered you to stay in this room unless I tell you to leave. You could've gotten yourself killed.

Ivan chuckled, "Папа, relax," he eased his way into the room before shutting the door behind him, locking the two locks. He also reached up to slide the chain on for extra protection. Ivan believed if anyone wanted to kick the door down, they could, with or without the locks, "I just went to get some breakfast. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the stale plain bagels and rancid coffee."

Adrian noticed the items in his son was holding; and saw him holding in one hand, and in the other, he had a bag with the label, "Pastry," on it. Adrian took deep breathes to control his anxiety, realizing his son was safe.

"Next time, inform me on your next move. You could have gotten yourself hurt, abducted or killed," he scolded, standing to his feet so he can look out the rusty blinds to be sure no one followed Ivan here.

Ivan rolled his eyes, placing the food and drinks onto the tv stand that was a few feet from the front door, "Dad, can you please stop talking to me like I'm one of your men. I'm your son," he pleaded, turning around with arms crossed. Using words and the tone like that was how his father would speak when handling business.

Ivan was shielded form this ruthless life his father lived. He only found out about it because the nineteen year and his father had to go on the run. Ivan pieced somethings together, but his father tried his best to be honest with him without telling him too much. If Adrian was ever caught by law enforcement and they went to question his son, Ivan technically wouldn't be lying under oath to protect his dad.

"Let's keep you alive, so next time, don't leave without telling me," he moved his fingers from between the blinds and turned to walked over to the fresh coffee. "How did you sleep?"

Ivan shrugged, "Alright, I guess," he shifted his arm up to rub the back of his neck, "That bed isn't the most comfortable," he sighed, looking over at his father as he opened the hot cup of coffee, examining it. He brought his nose up to it to smell it, the strong scent of coffee beans erupting through his nose. "Remind me why we have to stay in this shitty hotel and not in something better. I'm sure there is a better hotel around here other than this."

Adrian slowly sipped his drink, tasting heaven. Whoever made this coffee was a professional. It was just how Adrian like it, "Being in something more high up would bring attention to us," he turned his head over to Ivan, "and that's the last thing we need right now. Besides, we won't have to stay here any longer."

"Did that Italian guy come back?" Ivan asked, talking about Francesco. It's been days since Adrian had received word on what Francesco would do, since the wedding actually. Ivan was freaking out on the inside but will never tell or show his father that. Adrian hated weakness. The stunt he pulled to get a meeting with Francesco was humiliating. His son saw him on his knees, pleading for help. Ivan never saw this side of his father, so this made him aware how much trouble they were in.

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