Mob Wife 13

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Mob Wife 13: Therapy Sessions (2)
there are time jumps.

   Dr. Shelby sat in his office with Francesco, liking that he was speaking instead of wasting the first ten minutes by sitting there and being silent. It seemed that Francesco was starting to like coming here, and that was progress for the two, "so you wanna tell her about your job? What you really do? About your family?" Dr. Shelby puts into question.

   Francesco kept his conversations about Brooklyn to a minimum, but it wasn't until more recently he found himself talking about her a lot, "yes," he answers back immediately. He stuffed his hands into his suit pants pocket, walking around the medium sized office, "what if she wants to leave me?"

   "You'll never know until you talk to her. From what you've told me, she seems understanding," he assures his client with a head nod.

   "She's understanding to many things, not that her boyfriend is in the fucking mob," he says harshly, a glare forming on his face as he thought of how quick she would disappear on him, "this isn't something light to compromise."

   This is why his father thought it would always work out if his son dated someone apart of this world already. No need to explain it, risk having them turn them in, or anything.

   "Sounds like we're through the stage of just liking how she looks, and now emotions are involved," he smirks. When Francesco would say anything in their sessions, it was always with a straight face. But when this woman is brought up, there's a smile, or a smug look when they may be arguing.

   Francesco laugh through his nose, "you could say that,"  he was deeply in love with her at this point. He'd stop by her place almost very night, and when he was too busy, he had one of his most trusted men check up on her from a distance.

   Shelby smiles at the thought, "has she met any family yet?" Francesco nods, "what do they think of her?"

   "They want her to come over for the holidays," his mothers eyes lit up when she saw her, immediately having the urge that Brooklyn was going to be around. She watched how the two interacted with each other, and knew they were far too deep, "I' don't think I'm ready for that."

   "Why? Didn't you meet her parents last year?" Dr. Shelby questions, flipping through previous notes.

   "Christmas is at my mother's this year, and she invites everyone in the family," including the ones Francesco knows he'll have to punch in the face for saying racist things.

   "Are you afraid?"

   "No," he says flatly, "I just don't want Brooklyn seeing me put people in body bags," he says with a frown. He'd do anything to protect her.

   Dr. Shelby leans back in his chair, "I think she's expecting you to bring her around more of your family," he takes his glasses off, "if you don't, she'll just assume you aren't as serious as she is, and she might pull away from you," meeting the parents is almost always a big deal, but she's introduced him to cousins and aunts that she loves dearly. She most definitely wants to meet more of his family.

   He had a point, Francesco couldn't disagree, "how about after the holidays?" he could choose who she meets, and it will defiantly be a small amount of people. Dr. Shelby looks at him with the blank look that read he shouldn't wait, "you're right."

   "I'm so happy all of you could make it tonight," Margot clanks a fork against the champagne glass. Everyone was seated at the table, the couples sitting side by side, but Brooklyn was sitting on Francesco's lap after he pulled her down onto him, "you all look great and have these beautiful glows," Margot pouted, feeling tears about to fall.

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