Mob Wife 50

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fyi there are two Olivia's in this story. One if from the trial, Olivia Coleman, and Brooklyn's Midwife, Olivia Hilton. These are two completely different women. To refresh any memories, the Midwife is black and the one from the trial is white.

Mob Wife 50: Greedy

It's been a month. The first thing Alisha did when she made it home, was call every hospital in the city to find where her husband was. She eventually found him and was told he was found on the side of some road. He didn't get the medical attention he needed until two days after his abuse. Due to the traumatic head injury, he slipped into a coma and was hooked up to this monitor to help him breathe. He hasn't moved an inch and that left Alisha worried sick.

She would try to speak to him to get him to wake up, hold his hand, kiss his forehead, and even wore his favorite scent to get a reaction.

Nothing worked.

She hasn't moved from his side yet, and sleep wasn't even something she could enjoy. To get some fresh air and grab some breakfast, Alisha was meeting Sol at a cafe. She's been wanting to check in on her since leaving that hell hole, but her husband was her main concern. Alisha honestly wouldn't have left the hospital if her mother didn't force her to.

Her mother promised that while she was gone, she'd keep an eye on Henry. Trusting that she would contact Alisha about her husband, Alisha called Sol in hopes she could kill two birds with one stone.

Her mother was worried for them both, but Alisha avoided giving real answers due to the threats made against her. So, according to Alisha's mother and police, it was a break in.

Hearing the chimes over the door again, Sol sat up and took a peak to see if it was Alisha finally rolling in. She was a little nervous to meet her today. It scared her to find out what happened to her, knowing that because Alisha had ties with Santiago, she had to receive harsh treatment.

Alisha made her way to put an order in after searching around the place for Sol. Once grabbing her recipe and being told someone will bring it over to her, she let her feet drag her over to the table for two.

Sol inhaled sharply to see Alisha has some light bruising to her face and a slit in her lip. Her treatment was nowhere similar to Sol's, and although she expect it to be worse for Alisha, she still hoped it wasn't.

"Alisha," Sol said lowly seeing she had bags under her eyes, her skin looking drained from its color, "are you okay?" standing to her feet.

Alisha sent her a small smile, "husband is fighting for his life, so I am not okay," Sol frowns, watching Alisha taking a seat in the chair across from her. Sol decided to sit back down, "how are you?"

Sol eyes dropped to her hot latte, wrapping her hands around the cup, "not good. Since being..." she looks around the place to whisper, "taken..I've been looking over my shoulder since," Alisha nods, understanding, "I was so scared," getting a little teary eyed.

Alisha nods again, biting down on her bottom lip in thought. Sighing heavily, she voices, "I don't know how I survived something like that. The only thing keeping me alive is my husband- who may not wake up."

Sol quickly blinks, "the doctors aren't too sure about him?"

"Nope," Alisha shook her head, "from the head injuries, they're not sure if he'll even make it," uttering.

Sol reaches her hand out to hold Alisha's. Alisha lifts her gaze, feeling Sol's warm hand on top of hers, "I'm so sorry that you're going through this."

"It's my fault," she blames herself, "if I would've just left Santiago alone and never inserted myself back into his mess, I would've been alright- my husband would be alright," she moved her hand to wipe the tear that fell from her eyes. Alisha asked, "what do you think Santi?"

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