Mob Wife 38

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* there's a time jump with these upcoming chapters.
Mob Wife 38: coping

Brooklyn skipped one of her therapy sessions due to catching a cold, but she appeared in next session in better health. Dr. Sullivan was worried that after the funeral, Brooklyn would've bailed on her sessions. A couple days later, Dr. Sullivan wondered if the two could discuss the funeral and what emotions it may have brought it. Brooklyn opposed to it fast, asking for them to talk about something else as the subject was just too sensitive.

Dr. Sullivan understood, moving onto the next.

A week after that session, Brooklyn was back for the hour. With it being two weeks since the funeral, Brooklyn felt like she could talk about it, "I get sad still," she voiced, "but I don't sit in it for long."

Dr. Sullivan smiles, leaning over a little. She was seated in her chair, forearms rested on her thighs, "that's great. How are things with you outside of that?" she questions.

Brooklyn looks up at the ceiling in thought, "fine, I guess," she shrugs, bringing her gaze back to her therapist, "Francesco and I are good," she genuinely smiles about that. The sex hasn't stopped, and it's been good every time.

Dr. Sullivan hummed, "that's great, too. I assume by your glow, the sex drive never settles?" Brooklyn nods causing Dr. Sullivan to smile. She could see the love bites on Brooklyn's neck that were fading away. Dr. Sullivan tucked her lips into a thin line, not wanting to dampen Brooklyn's mood, but she needed to address something, "do you think you're using sex as a form of escaping your emotions?" Brooklyn rubbed her lips together, not answering, letting Dr. Sullivan continue, "having sex is a good way to release endorphins and oxytocin, but if the sex is constant with you two, you might be using that to not feel. Some people drink, smoke, use drugs, others use sex."

Brooklyn utters, "way to ruin the mood," causing Dr. Sullivan to giggle lowly. Brooklyn rubbed her fingers together, grazing her nail into her thumb, "maybe? But Francesco and I would go through these stages of having sex all the time to barely having sex, so this is something that is just us," she tries to justify.

"And what was going on when you two were having sex frequently?"

Brooklyn went to speak but nothing came out, using this moment of silence to think.

"When we have sex, I still acknowledge my feelings."

Dr. Sullivan sees Brooklyn wanted to avoid answering, "sex is good. Sex is a great way to feel good, receive pleasure, but I think you sometimes use sex to not think thoughts, to avoid feeling sad and depressed. That's normal when trying to cope."

"But sex with Francesco is good. You can't just assume that I'm using sex to avoid feeling," Brooklyn defends with scrunched brows, "I cry almost every day," she said, "I get mad everyday," she fights the tears, "I- I'm tired of being hurt, Dr. Sullivan. So, if I use sex to feel different- or to feel good, there's nothing wrong with that."

"It's not," Dr. Sullivan admits, "but to not compress how you're feeling, you need to slow down," Brooklyn sat with her back to the couch, crossing her arms, "I don't want to upset you, Brooklyn. I want to help you. I want to see you flourish into your happy, bubbly-self again, and I know you do, too," she reaches out to place her hand on Brooklyn's knee, Brooklyn eyes falling to her lap, "this journey is going to upset you and it's going to make you want to quit, but in order to reconnect with yourself, you need to address things even when you don't want to. You'll only end up feeling good for a second before that trauma resurfaces, and you spiral."

Brooklyn nodded slowly, "okay."

"Okay," Dr. Sullivan repeats her, "why don't we move onto something else?" Brooklyn nods again.

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