Mob Wife 52

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Miss Brooky-Brooklyn is giving birth, babes. I think I spent enough chapters on the pregnancy. There's no use of dragging it out. She found out she was four months, like over ten chapters ago, so it's about time.

Mob Wife 52: Luna Camille Vitale

Brooklyn was 39 weeks. This baby ready to come any moment. While she felt antsy over the wait and excited to finally meet this human she's been carrying around for nine months, she also felt scared. She cried a little; for the pain, for the change, for the intensity she assumed to present itself during labor.

Leading up to the days of her water that was predicted to break, Olivia and Serena stayed in the house like they said they would. They welcomed with open arms and given their own rooms. They made it a small habit to check in with Brooklyn and Francesco, giving any advice to prepare them for what was to come. 

The Midwives were able to see a shift in Francesco's schedule leading up the the birth of their child. He stayed home more often, not wanting to miss this moment by any chance. Working from home, Francesco made Fabiano fill his shoes, and check on things when Francesco couldn't. Fabiano was nervous and still is, but he knew what the important matter at hand was, pulling himself together.

He was used to giving orders to his soldiers, not the entire operation. Philly stepped in to give Fabiano some guidance, letting him relay the message on behalf of Francesco during personal meetings.

He was doing a good job.

Anything too big, like a meeting with Hussain, O'Hara Madden, or Simmons, was postponed until a month from now.

From the exclusively private calls, the men that guarded the inside and outside, and the people that visited the Vitale's home, Olivia and Serena speculated Francesco was in something shady. Not letting that interfere with their job, and finding it to be none of their business, they looked the other way. Their pay was far more than what they anticipated for them to be snooping around.

They were there to deliver a healthy baby, making sure Brooklyn survived it and would get better afterwards.

As time went on, every tinkle Brooklyn had, she thought it was her water breaking. The first time it happened, she screamed for Francesco from the bathroom, causing him to jump out of his sleep. She really thought it was time. Discovering that it was a false alarm, she laughed while apologizing for interrupting his sleep and nearly giving him a heart attack.

While knowing she was close to having this baby, she made sure to get her hair done in some medium sized knotless braids. She was going to be in a birth pool, sweating her ass off and pushing for dear life. A doobie just wouldn't cut it.

Their family and friends tried to get some more time in with them, knowing majority of their time and attention will be on Luna. Her and Francesco's parents had stopped by yesterday, trying to do everything to get her water to break. They left their home around midnight with no victory. Nothing was working. It was clear this baby was coming out when she wanted to.

It was currently ten in the morning, and she had no clue that the Belle, Giorgia, Penny, Margot, Pallo and Fat Willy were coming over. Everyone wanted to catch that moment when she goes, "I think my water just broke."

Giorgia was first through the door, saying confidently that because 'Godmuva Giorgia' was here, there was a guarantee Brooklyn would go into labor. Neither of them had given her the title yet she just kept calling herself that.

Brooklyn slipped up a few times and called her the Godmother, Giorgia saying that she might as well come to terms with it.

Everybody was currently outside since that's where Brooklyn was, eating her breakfast. She didn't plan on listening to a group of people yell and bicker back and forth, but what could she do. They were already here.

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