Mob Wife 21

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Mob Wife 21: two yellow envelopes

Rollins side eyed Julio as he entered Chiefs Hernandez's office. He didn't know why he was called in, but spotting Julio, he knew something was up, "good morning, Chief. How's everything?"

"Running good. Have a seat, boy," Hernandez smiled, Rollins walking to take the chair by Julio, "there's a little rumor going on that you visited the Vitale's casino last night for their grand opening," Rollins sighed heavily, "I don't remember giving the go for that job," he laces his fingers together, waiting for Rollins to speak.

"Well being that Julio already spread those rumors," he looked at his partner with a scowl look on his face, "I'm sure he's disclosed why."

Julio raised his brows, sighing, "you went into the casino without backup-"

"I was with Missi-" she was his back up.

"With no plan in motion that got Chief Hernandez's boss down his ass," Julio looks at Rollins now, "anyone could've spotted you, and if that were to happen, you'd be the next case I'm trying to close," Julio sat up a bit, "I already have tons of paper work, I don't need a dead Southern boy on my hands."

Rollins rolled his eyes at the exaggeration Julio had to show, "stop being dramatic. No one knew I was there, and if it weren't for you calling, I could've spoken to his wife longer and worked her."

Julio was amused, "worked her how?"

Rollins shrugs, "mainly flirting," Julio laughed, covering his mouth like it was the funniest thing ever. Rollins moved over from how loud Julio was being, "what are you laughing for? I'm a handsome man."

"You're flirty with a faithful, married woman. If anything, you just went up on their radar," Julio calms down, shaking his head, "this is like the movies, right? You get her to fall for your charm, you make her realize she deserves a better life, and within the last few minutes of the movie, she betrays him. He finds out, kidnaps her and Mr. Rollins," he fake pouts, "comes to her rescue to save the day. You're the hero of this, correct?"

Rollins rolled his eyes.

Hernandez intervened, "what are you doing talking to his wife? What was your plan?"

Rollins looked at Hernandez, "nothing so far," Rollins sighs, Julio uttering things under his breath that was regarding to Rollins mentality, "cases don't just close and we come out on top. We might not even solve a case. It takes months to years, and I was brought here to pick the speed, so I was taking steps because my lazy partner is distracted by everything else."

In order to bring this to a judge, they need hard evidence that'll stick.

"Yet here we are," Julio said.

Rollins wanted Julio to go fuck himself.

"I may not have gotten anything from Brooklyn herself, but I did overhear something that may help us out," Hernandez leaned over the desk for him to continue, "I was walking out the back when I overheard chatter about some shipment coming in. They were saying something with packages being dropped off and bring some bitch boy, his words- not mine."

"Who's him?"

"I don't know, but he looked sketchy and was definitely covering the party," Rollins says.

"You have no location, no names, no thing, and you thought this was helpful?" Julio said taking the words out of Hernandez mouth, though he would've been nicer, "welp, might as well pack that bag back to south cause this was pointless."

Rollins snarled, "I know what I'm doing. Just a little more snooping, I could probably get something," he looked at Hernandez with pleaded eyes.

"Alright, but-" he held his index finger over at Rollins, "no more going in alone. I assigned Julio to you for a reason."

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