Mob Wife 34

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Mob Wife 34: Meeting the Roommate

Francesco was in Dr. Shelby's office. It was a couple days after he had proposed to Brooklyn, the two spending the new engagement in Istria, Croatia. His therapist beamed at the smile on his client's face, "I take it, the proposal was success," resting his clipboard in his lap.

"Of course it was. I told you that woman is crazy about me," Francesco shrugs.

"Just like you're crazy about her," Francesco sat down, smirking.

"I never could understand when someone would say someone is the love of their life. I just thought it was an exaggeration because they couldn't find words to swoon their partner over. But, apparently, it's a real thing," Dr. Shelby nodded with a smile.

Dr. Shelby asks, "have you two picked a date yet?"

He shook his head, "not yet. Brooklyn and I are gonna see what date works best for both of us, and give enough time so people can clear their schedule."

Dr. Shelby pointed at Francesco, "I like that you said, 'Brooklyn and I,'" most guys left it up too their fiancé to handle it all, "will you be contributing to the wedding process, aside from finances?"

"Yeah," he rests his arms at the back of the couch, "Brooklyn made it clear that it was a celebration for both of us after I said she pick out everything," he played with his ring on his pinky ring, "so I'll be there for it all," he said not seeming to mind.

"The engagement process is pretty hectic for most couples," Francesco nodding his head because he's heard a lot about it since getting down on one knee.

"Yeah. She already stressed me out, saying that a couple weeks leading up until the wedding, we couldn't have sex," he said, rolling his eyes. Brooklyn knew it was bullshit when it come out of her mouth, but she wanted to see his reaction.

Brooklyn thought she was handling this well, but when she felt herself get sad out of nowhere, snapping at Francesco, purposely ignoring him or just shutting down for the entire day, she knew she was just lying to herself. He would attempt to bring her out of her mood, but she wouldn't budge. She could see he was trying, and wanted to appreciate it, but she was incapable of doing so.

Not wanting to spend her day in bed further, Brooklyn was strolling the city. Francesco's constant reminder that she didn't receive much sunlight and need to get out of bed was persuading.

Brooklyn was currently on the phone with Aubrey, listening to her speak about Sajan. A smile formed on her face as she can hear how excited Aubrey was about this, "you like him already, don't you?"

"Yes, but I'm taking it slow," Aubrey assures her sister, "when we kissed, it felt magical ," going back to those couple of seconds, wanting to relive it everyday.

"Know where y'all going for the next date?" Brooklyn questions, taking at look at all the stores she was soon to be walking passed to see where she could sit down and eat. She wore some flare gray yoga pants, a long sleeve gray shirt with some black shoes. Her coat was zipped up, a scarf wrapped firmly around her neck to keep her warm.

Aubrey laid on her bed, "I have no clue. He wants to set it up," she said, "I had no idea that Indian food hit the way it does. Have you ever tried it?"

Brooklyn smiled, "yes, but not as much as you did," the two giggle. It sounds like Aubrey nearly ate everything of the menu.

"How's everything with you?" Aubrey puts it into question, not wanting this entire conversation to be all about her. When she looked at the minutes they've been talking, twenty minutes was closer than she thought.

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