Mob Wife 54

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Mob Wife 54: Vows.. Sorrows, Prayers

Brooklyn woke up to Luna surrounded in pillows on the hotel bed right beside her. They were in Sicily for Giovanni's sister, Silvia's, wedding, only planning to spend one night there before getting back on the jet New York tomorrow morning. Francesco still had stuff to do, but he couldn't miss his little cousin's wedding. The young woman would kill him.

Silvia is Avena's niece. Avena made her kids travel to Sicily when they were young, allowing them to have a bond's with their family that weren't in America. Silvia adored them, letting them know of the news first, sending their invites through the phone before the actual hard copy can be shipped in the mail.

Avena's brother, Joey, passed away five years ago. She was there for here niece, not even worrying about the long hours in the sky. With such a powerful connection to the Vitale family, Silvia asked Leandro if he could walk her down the aisle. 

As for her mother, Giulia, Silvia could give two shits about her. She never had the mother-daughter bond like most people were blessed with, finding it even more easy to dislike Giulia once her father passed. She didn't care to check in on Silvia, and that hurt her to the core. If she couldn't be there in those hard times, why bother with a wedding invite? 

Not needing to have an invitation because her family's mouth was so big, Giulia knew her daughter was getting married today. 

She knew of the time, the location, and the Groom- although she's only met him once, and it was by mistake. There was no need in introducing the two in the mind of Giulia.

Brooklyn slipped her bonnet off her head, the wrap still intact. Francesco was nowhere in sight, but if Brooklyn could remember, he told her he was meeting his mother for breakfast. She was offered to attend with Luna, but she was way too tired to even get up. Clearly, Luna was, too, Francesco not wanting to bother Luna and mess with her nap schedule.

Luna reminded him of Victoria when she was woken up. Cranky and glaring at you.

Brooklyn was in some leggings and an oversized shirt since landing in Sicily. Those hours on the jet made her groggy, showering before quickly hoping into bed once they made it to the hotel.

She grabbed her phone from off the bed to check the time, seeing it was ten in the morning. The wedding didn't starting until another six hours, so she had enough time to explore Sicily, with Alessio tailing her, of course. 

Though Sicily knew who Francesco was, people knowing to look out for him and his family, he still doubled her security. Too many cocky men assumed they had a shot at his position, so he couldn't be too careful. Obsession with money and power was the quick rise and fall of many seeking it. 

As Brooklyn walked to the desk with the menu on it, a knock appeared at her door. Francesco had the key to enter, so whoever this was, wasn't him.

She glanced over at Luna to see she started to move around a little because of the noise. She smiled at the sight of her baby girl, slowly walking through the very spacious room. Francesco had them in a luxury suite, Brooklyn wishing she could place the entire bathroom decor in her home.

It was beautiful.

Looking out the peephole, Brooklyn spotted Silvia. She had her hair in a bun with some casual clothes on. None of the glam started since the wedding was hours away. She was good on time.

As Brooklyn opened the door, Silvia quickly rushed into her arms, "Brooklyn, mi sei mancato," both of them squeezing each other for dear life.

"I missed you, too," Brooklyn said with a huge smile on her face. She and Silvia meet a lot. Silvia would travel to New York, Brooklyn traveling to Sicily a few times with Francesco. Their main source of contact after all these years were phones calls, texts and video chats.

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