Mob Wife 17

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There's mention of drugs and slight abuse of drugs.

Mob Wife 17: LACEY

she fuckin' fired me. Santi sends to Megan.

really? why? she replies.

claiming she had no other choice because her boss thought this article was too dangerous. She didn't even let me tell her about the delivery guy. Nothing. He types.

I'm so sorry. Although she didn't need to apologize, she didn't know what to say. what are you going to do now? she double texts.

I can't give up now just because I lost my job. Some friend she was.

Megan sends, maybe she really had no other choice. Think about what she had to deal with? And to be fair, it was dangerous to release. This is the mob we're talking about.

please don't take her side. he sent.

I'm not. But, since you still wanna pursue this, I have something for you. Three bubbles appeared where Santi was going to type, and instead of waiting for his response, she sent, there's this casino opening up and you'll never guess who's the owner.

Santi smirked, the Vitale family, he sent a smirking emoji, we should go. But, wait, how are we getting in?

It's a casino, everyone can get it. It's not some invite-only thing. She responds. it's in a couple of weeks.

Santi realized, right. we should arrive separate but update each other by the phone. someone may recognize you, so be careful.

I know.

Francesco sat in the brown leather chair with a blank stare n his face as he listened to a his most recent distributor explain how the next shipment could come in. It was late and Francesco was a bit frustrated that he wasted his free time to be here when this could've been handled by one of his men. He just wanted the man to get to the point, "this is what you called me two and a half hours away from home for?" the drive was long because of traffic.

The distributor by the name Simmons shook his head, "not only for that, but I had to show you something that could only be seen in person."

Francesco looked at table before back at the guy sitting across from him, sipping on something from his cup, "what is it?"

Simmons smiled widely, already knowing the words he wanted to say for his pitch. Simmons clapped his hands twice, and one of his guys handed him this leather briefcase. Francesco played around with his wedding band on his finger, watching Simmons closely.

"There's this new drug, and I think you'd be interested," Simmons begins, opening the case to retrieve this small bag out filled with white pills.

"Yeah?" Francesco asks.

Simmons nods his head, "mhm. It's called Lacey," Francesco tilted his head at the name of it, "this shit is little," he places the pill between his fingers to hold it before him, "but this shit hits you like a ton a bricks. You give it a few seconds to kick in, and you'll feel like you're floating on a cloud," he chuckles as he could remember the feeling.

"Why not name it cloud then?" Giovanni asks, seated next to Francesco.

Simmons snaps his eyes over, "the word cloud was trademarked, so we can't use it," he shrugs, "I don't know about you but I want my full cut."

Francesco puts it to question, "what's so good about it? There's fifteen other drugs in this city that has the same effect," this was a waste of his time. Francesco started to sit up, indicating he was about to leave but Simmons began to plead.

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