Mob Wife 25

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Mob Wife 25: the invite I needed.

Christmas was in two weeks, and it's been a some time since Megan was paid by the family. Her and Santi still talked, but since it was nothing really helpful to their personal investigation, the conversations were brief.

Santi did text Megan earlier this morning and asked if he could stop by.

Megan was quick to ask if he had new information, and with a chuckle, Santi replied he just wanted to see them. He also saw this really cool car for Caleb and wrapped it nicely for him to have. Santi was huge on buying gifts, whether if it was inexpensive or not. He was sure if he had any siblings, he would spoil them, too.

Santi was a little confused when Megan sent him a new address, telling him to meet them there. He didn't think much of it, and traveled through the city.

As he made his way to this new address, he noticed the streets were a little cleaner and looked more colorful. He wondered if he was meeting her at someones else home as he knocked on the door to her apartment.

He held the blue wrapped gift in his hand and waited for someone to answer. Megan opened the door with a smile on her face, "hey, Santi," she was wearing Christmas pajamas and house slippers. Santi eyes roamed her, the idea of her staying the night at someone's home raising in his mind.

"Hey," he smiles down at her, "this is for Caleb," Santi lifts his hand to give her the present. Megan took it from him, nodding her head for him to come in, "who's place is this? It looks nice," he compliments while turning his head to take a look around.

The living room was spacious, nice furniture positioned, some toys around being the only mess around. The walls were painted white, different from Megan's old blue walls. The Christmas tree was put up, colorful lights wrapped around it, gifts ranging from large to small resting underneath.

Megan bites down on her lips, shutting the door slowly as he walked in further, "mines."

Santi snaps his head, nearly getting whiplash, "yours? How were you able to afford this?" she looks at him with a raised brow, "no offense," he affirmed quickly, "it's just I know waiting tables doesn't cover a place like this."

"None taken," she heads to place Caleb's gift with the rest.

"When did you move here?" He questions.

Megan states, "a few weeks ago," shrugging her shoulders.

Santi nodded his head, "how'd you get approved so fast? Places like this take a little time," he was shooting so many damn questions.

Megan turns to face him, tucking her hair behind her ear, "the landlord was really eager. It was vacant for some time now."

"Isn't that a little suspicious?" Santi jokes with a grin.

Megan looks over at him, "no. I looked online, and nothing bad happened over here. No one was interested in buying," she informs him, "want anything to drink? Coffee?" she asks.

Santi nods, "yeah. Thanks," he stuff his hands in his pocket, his eyes following Megan as she walked passed him to reach the kitchen that had marble counter tops, "seriously, did you hit the lotto? This had to be pricy as hell," he reaches the bar stools, observing it, "and the stools are sturdy; these had to be costly, too," he chuckles, taking a seat in one.

"Uh," she walks over to her coffee pot that had coffee brewed in it already, "just had some money come in for me is all," she grabbed a mug from the cabinet. The deal was for her to not say anything about being paid by the Mafia, and she was too scared to go against that.

Santi didn't want to pressure her further, so he asked, "how is Mya gonna get here? This is pretty far from your last place?"

"She's willing to catch the train down here," she answers him. Santi hums, " so, where's my Christmas gift?" she looks over her shoulder, shifting the direction of the conversation.

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