Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven- For Now

"So... How do you feel?"

"Are you really asking how I feel? What are you? Stupid?"

"Just saying, most people would have some type of... guilt. Trying to put someone from their family in jail, of all things. Most people would feel guilty."

"They hurt me, you act like that's okay."

"You're lying. You're a man, this doesn't happen."

"I'm not even eleven years old!"

"Exactly, you should be smarter than this. Putting away a powerful woman, who put you up to it."

"No one did!"


"Be a man"

"Shut up"

I did grow up.... Now what?

.•° ✿ °•.

The sun came through the thin white curtains which blew softly from the summer wind, the balcony door opened to reveal the male leaning against the railing outside. His scarred hand gripping the metal as he surveyed the scenery, the rising sun turning the sky from a dark purple to a baby blue. Swatches of pink, orange and yellow made its way through the motions until just the bright blue was left, mixed in with fluffy cotton candy clouds and singing birds.

He inhaled deeply, the scent of grass and flowers filling his senses. The lavender bushes on the ground were dying but even so their sweet smell drifted through the wind like a song to the bees that were disappearing as the seasons changed. The air stung his skin, wrapping around him like a soft blanket. Blowing over his face like water on a warm day, fresh. Clean, cold, crisp air. He could have laughed at how good it felt.

The sun caused his body to earn a small sheen, a glow that made its way into the sky. The serenity of the scene kept him in a soft place of drowsiness that hadn't faded just yet. His jade eyes half closed as he listened to the crickets chirping, the birds singing, the wind whistling gently. The lullaby of the earth, he supposed.

It was a good day, nature wise. His emotions, on the other hand, were quite the opposite.

Izuku woke up tangled in the sheets with Katsuki, both boys having passed out in the midst of trying to work out what had happened. They hadn't gotten far. Katsuki had evaded, dodged and even switched the topics all together. Izuku knew next to nothing about what had happened and what triggered the cuts.

Cuts.- He woke up more now, looking over his shoulder and into the room at the male still asleep on his bed. He was tangled in the thin white sheets, the comforter having been dropped on the floor sometime in the night. The thin cover wrapped around the males curves, the bump in his hips and chest. One arm under his head and the other outstretched over the spot where Izuku had lay earlier, curled up around the spot like a cat.

If Midoriya knew any better he would have left a long time ago, said fuck it and left. But he couldn't, so he stayed. He stayed and let his heart swell at the sight of the blonde teen peacefully sleeping, hair all messy and expression soft. He almost forgot why he was looking in the first place until he saw the black band again, the leather wrapping around the wrist like a cuff.

He sighed, shaking his head and looking back over the balcony to the few students below. He wouldn't go checking his wrist if he didn't want him to. He would wait for Katsuki to show him himself. For now he watched as kids spent their day off.

It was a Saturday, the end of introductions and moving back in seeing as when they went back on Monday it would be back to homework and training.

He saw Sero and Todoroki taking a walk through the park, the black haired male tilting his phone to Shoto to show him whatever was on screen.

Monoma and TetsuTetsu having a playfully screaming match, not even that loud seeing as Izuku couldn't hear them.

Tokoyami and Asui at the pond.

All Might and Aizawa walking into the school with Present Mic singing with an arm around the poor ragged teacher.

A hand on his arm caused him to jump.

"Just me." It was a mumble, a sleepy one, his morning voice raspy. Izuku tilted his head to the male, hiding the grin that wanted to form. He was adorable. Eyes out of focus, hair tousled, clothes in a big jumbled mess. He was leaning against Izuku subconsciously, not yet awake fully.

"I can see that. How was your sleep, princess?" Izuku smirked and the other merely smacked his shoulder harshly.

"Shut up." He growled, glaring daggers.

"Nah, I'm good." Midoriya looked back to their classmates for a second as he spoke. "Nice try, spent all night avoiding my questions. I didn't forget."

Katsuki let out a frustrated groan, gaining his normal attitude back. The sassy, bratty, bad mouthed and temperamental pomeranian.

"Why aren't you in a shirt?"

"Why are you changing the subject?"

"My eyes, that's why. I'm gonna go blind." Katsuki looked away for emphasis. He kind of regretted it. Izuku was a sight to see when shirtless, the thin gold necklace hanging from his body, the small cross on the end dangling, the scars adorning his skin making him look just that much hotter.

Unlike me. It was his own thought, not in third person. It was his. That fact alone was a relief, he was still in control of his body.

"Oh please, I'm sexy." Midoriya faced the blonde, leaning closer. "Or am I not?"

"Down boy." Bakugou smirked back, he could play along. He was himself again, he didn't know how or why this suddenly happened but he reveled in the beautiful feeling. He wasn't numb, he was feeling alive!

"Make me." Izuku ran his tongue over his teeth, he was so close. Bakugou bit his lip, almost letting a giggle escape at the proximity.

A giggle. Almost. Almost! But not quite.

He raised his hand, explosions crackling softly. "Excuse me?"

"Okay, okay. I'll take it back." He tilted his head, their noses brushed lightly before he was gone. Five feet away. Pulling a shirt over his head in the middle of Katsuki's room.

How the fuck- He blinked rapidly, watching as the shirt he wore hid those delectable back muscles from view. -Fucking gay as fuck today.

He hid another laugh. There would be a drop, he knew there would be, but for now... He'd enjoy it. Enjoy the breaks he can get to be a teenager.

Izuku looked at the blonde who was now in the sunlight where he once stood, hair glittering like champagne and eyes sparkling like garnet. His eyes snapped to the bracelet quickly, he wanted to ask but he didn't want to ruin his good mood. The first good mood that Izuku had seen him in for a few months, if he was being honest. So he let it go. Let the thought linger to the back of his mind.

The thoughts that lingered will be answered later. For now.

"Come on, breakfast."

"Don't tell me what to do, Nerd!" 

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