Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One - Living 

Tell me pretty lies-

"I'm sorry."

Look me in the face.

"Look at me, Katsuki, come on."

Tell me that you love me

"You know I love you, child. I only want what's best for you."

Even if it's fake

"Look at me!"

Cause I don't fucking care

"Now, you little wh-."

At all.

"You asked for it, sweetie."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

This didn't mean he was cured.

Katsuki stared at his ceiling, blood pumping in his ears and heart beat accelerating at a new unfamiliar pace. When Izuku had snuck them back in-

He touched his chest, feeling the way it skipped like a jittery hummingbird, flitting around in his ribcage with it's feathery soft multicoloured wing's hitting the bones. The memory sent zaps through his veins, the undertone of the memory sticking in like honey. It dripped into his heart, his mind, sticking onto whatever it touched like an infection.

He became aware that this didn't fix him, nor did it make every bad thing disappear. But damn, it felt like it did. For that quiet moment, after the day he had just had, it felt like everything stopped. The only progress of the day was how the sun peeked past his curtains, alerting him that it was morning.

Turning in bed he curled up against his pillow, the comforter thrown around him at the restless way he had kicked it off. He couldn't sleep, he had too much to think about.

And, for the first time, he welcomed the feeling. The thoughts. They were good ones. The bad ones hid themselves for the time being.


"Don't stay awake for too long." Izuku murmured at the door, leaning his forehead against the others. It was such a sappy moment but Katsuki couldn't bring himself to separate just yet, playing with the chain on Midoriya's neck like he wanted to earlier that day. He couldn't help but feel warm at the way Izuku's arm was loosely around his waist, hand flat against his lower back yet above his waist. It was comforting.

"Or what? Will you call my mother?" He teased, looking away from the shiny metal up to beautiful eyes. It was something about his look that made his heart stutter before picking up quickly.

Izuku was looking down at him with this soft gaze, underneath his lashes his eyes seemed to shine like a forest sprinkled with morning rain. Rain that fell outside, against the roof. "If I have to, yes. Now go get some sleep."

He pulled away, a reluctant movement but a necessary one. Slow, gentle, take your time. He kept telling himself. Don't rush. But he found himself being pulled back, the arm around his waist loosely fitted there in the same sentiment. They wanted to be together but they both didn't want to move fast. Not yet.

Izuku's free hand pushed blonde hair back, bending to kiss his forehead softly. It was merely a graze, barely felt but it sent a pleasing feeling through Katsuki's system. That's when he moved away, letting his arms drop at his sides. "Go on, get some rest."

He found himself wanting to say something, assure something, but unable to make the words leave him. He turned, holding onto the door handle. When he looked back he found Izuku smiling slightly, amused.

"I'll be here in the morning, Katsuki." He added as a teasing afterthought. "Aizawa will be gunning for us both."

"I know that." Bakugou bit back, pursing his lips as he coughed out the next few words. "Thank you, dumbass."

"Mm." Izuku hummed, nodding his head to the door as he started walking to his own dorm. It was so silly, they were right next to each other yet Izuku wanted to make sure that Katsuki was in his room before he went to his own. This time Bakugou obeyed, locking himself in the confines of his room and sliding down the door with a disbelieving smile. A soft touch to his forehead, a small laugh.


Katsuki sighed, rolling onto his back again. He had been tossing and turning all night but that didn't mean he would leave his bed anytime soon, he didn't have the energy to move yet. He stayed awake for too long, not quite listening to Izuku telling him to sleep.

He had slept maybe three hours max yet he was wide awake. Motivated even.

A tap at his door made him jolt. He sat upright, running a hand through his messy behead and glaring at the source of sound. He didn't bother with making himself presentable, trudging to the door with his unruly hair and wrinkled attire.

Opening up he grunted at the group in front of his room, slamming the door behind him and about to go back to bed only to be stopped by multiple voices.

"Oh come on, Bakugou!"

"Where did you go yesterday?"

"Come on, we just wanna talk."

"Did he just-"

The bickering was what prompted him to open the door again, eyes narrowed. Sero was closest to him, braver than the others as he leaned against the door frame on one side while Denki was on the other. Mina was in the middle and an apologetic nervous Ejiro had just exited his room.

"What's going on guys?" He looked from Katsuki to the group, making sure the blonde wasn't about to blow up.

"Interrogating the suspect." Kaminari grinned, looking over to the newcomer. Kirishima looked at the blonde who was yawning widely, sharp canines flashing like a cat's. His eyes closed, scrunching tightly at the force of the movement before he was grumbling loudly.

"Leave me the fuck alone." And he was just about to retreat too, he damn near succeeded in ignoring his friends. It was only when Izuku had the utter nerve to walk past them with their teacher on speaker that he got thwarted. Aizawa's voice rang through his phone, clear and sharp as he spoke to his student.

"And bring Bakugou with you, Problem child."

Midoriya's smirk could have been sinful, it defied the glare it earned by his partner in crime.

Katsuki had no choice, being shoved into his room by the one and only problem child himself, Izuku smiling kindly to his classmates before closing the door behind them. The slight murmur of voices and clamor of protests were muted by the wooden panel.

Izuku grinned, leaning against the door. His mess of hair was pushed back by his scarred hand, the smallest glint of mischief in his eyes. He was playful that morning, his energy floating over to Bakugou who was still trying to figure out why he felt disoriented. His motivation and energy, the lack of sleep leaving him light headed.

He felt alive.

God, was it good to be alive. 

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