Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven - Everything

Trigger warning, r-word, sexual assault, abuse and cutting. Please, please, proceed with caution. I don't want anyone getting hurt or triggered by anything about to be spoken about. It will be more in depth then usual, nothing too bad but the word and the past will be explained briefly.

"So-" Izuku held the cup in his hands, putting it in front of Katsuki's face. "What happened?"

Bakugou stared at the glass of water, eyes watering themselves but he didn't let the tears spill over. "I don't know."

"That's okay. We can just sit here until you figure it out. And, even if you don't, that's okay." Midoriya's hand was close to his own, he could hold it if he truly wanted to.

He never got to tell him thank you. Thank you for staying despite getting hurt. Thank you Izuku, Izuku, Izuku.


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

This was a new welcoming feeling. Something Katsuki never knew he could feel, something new, something pure.

He closed his eyes, resting his head on Izuku's back and letting his warmth flood into him. His hands flat against the surface of his abs, bunching in the fabric of his t-shirt every now and then when they took a turn. The air whipped past them at a near dangerous speed, causing a thrill to ripple up Katsuki's stomach when they skidded through the streets like a bullet.

Izuku was warm, his body comforting against Katsuki's arms. The leather of his jacket wasn't enough to keep his warmth away from the blonde who was so eager to receive it. It was something about the ride that had Bakugou's mind blank, his overthinking seeming to have stopped and his aversion to the subject he was about to face put on pause.

He wasn't thinking about Kirishima waiting to be told what he had witnessed. He wasn't thinking of Izuku who he'd have to deal with right after. He was thinking of the way the air blew past him, how his heart and adrenaline spiked. How Midoriya's body was somehow still so aware of Katsuki, making sure he didn't do anything to scare him.

It was like he was in a movie, the thrum of the engine and the cars veering past them the soundtrack to the blissful feeling. His hands gripped onto the males shirt harder as he opened his eyes and lifted his head to watch the scenery pass him by. He vaguely felt the comforting hand over his clenched fists, the small circle traced into his skin soothingly as if assuring him that he was okay.

It didn't take long for them to skid next to the pontiac Katsuki had been in that morning, Izuku quickly kicked the bike onto its stand while cutting off the engine. They stayed like that for a second until Izuku was laughing slightly.


"What happened to Katsuki?" His nickname didn't seem befitting. At least not at the moment, in the tone Izuku was speaking. It seemed as if his name had turned constant and his nickname an endearment instead of the other way around.

"I can alternate, can't I?" He said lightly, unweaving Katsuki's hands from where they previously held onto his shirt. His emotions were happier than they were when at the prison, having gotten the light back into his features but the set in his jaw hadn't yet changed. He was still pissed underneath it all but not at the blonde, or the redhead waiting by the cafe doors. His face by the window, worry creasing his smile. No, Izuku was pissed at the absurdity of the morning he had had.

He couldn't wait to go scream into a distant void. But that was for later, for when he could clear things up. He cleared his throat, motioning Katsuki's arms away from his body slowly. To say it was awkward around them wouldn't be completely true but Izuku didn't know how to feel with the males arms around him. It hurt, of course it fucking hurt when Bakugou was close to him and he couldn't do what he wished. He couldn't act on the protective feelings, all he had were fragments of memories. Memories tainted with regret.

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