Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty Two - Snow Kisses

So what if it's us?

What if it's us

And only us

And what came before won't count anymore or matter?

Can we try that?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Katsuki spoke on the phone as he worked in his room, a very boisterous Izuku Midoriya having called him late that evening as if he couldn't wait to get back to the dorms and had to speak to him before he forgot something on the ride back. He ran through his evening and, surprisingly, not dwelling on his father he skipped straight to his mother and what he did, the same way Katsuki had explained what he had done when he told his own mother.

"And then she said she was proud of me."

Katsuki smiled, hearing the meaning in Izuku's voice when he said proud. He said it as if it held the weight of worlds and broke the back of the man in the Midoriya household. His mother clearly meant a lot to him. "I'm proud of you too."

Izuku laughed, voice cracking. "Don't make me cry, I finally calmed down."

"But you're such a cute crybaby." He teased briefly as he looked over his notes for math in bed, knees huddled up to his chest to hold the book against it, pen scratching out faulty equations and adding to areas he missed as he spoke with eyes trained to the sheet. "You comin' home anytime soon, nerd, or you getting some air?"

"Getting coffee."

"Did Inko not just make you coffee?" He mused, twirling his pen between his fingers in thought.

"Yeah but... Look, I don't need to justify myself to you! It's a Saturday, leave me be." He laughed. "I can stay up as late as I please."

Katsuki picked up the phone to bring it closer, using the calculator as he spoke. "Yeah, but good luck talking to me at twelve a.m. with your jittery coffee jacked nerves."

"Y'want coffee with me, baby?" He teased in a low drawl, the sound of keys jingling and cars parking being heard in whatever parking lot Izuku sat in. Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"I dunno, baby, I'm not a coffee person." He teased back, not the type to use pet names the way Midoriya was becoming accustomed to much to his chagrin and protest, writing down his answer as he continued in his normal voice. "But yeah, get me something that isn't bitter though, please. Actually, you addict, we can share a large one so you don't fuck up your sleep schedule."

Izuku sighed comically, playing around with Katsuki. "Do I have to?"

"Yeah, I still wanna train in the morning and you promised to train with me, Remember?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line, Izuku clearly trying to remember when he promised that; the flighty thing. Snickering, he finally replied. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, you're right."

Katsuki worked through his homework as Izuku went on, knowing the blonde was busy but wanting to speak to him. Not that Bakugou minded, the sound of Izuku's voice was a pleasant distraction.

"You want something with a Christmas-y flavor? I mean it should be snowing tonight too."

"Christmas ended a while ago, you dork. I have the All Might figure and dorky matching necklace to prove it."

"Yeah but they carry the flavors for, like, at least two months after. And the necklace is not dorky." He thought for a second, a quiet delayed chuckle at Bakugou's jab at the gifts he'd gotten him. "Apple cinnamon, Gingerbread, Peppermint Mocha, Eggnog, Cinnamon Dolce, Pumpkin Spice-"

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