Chapter Sixty Four

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Chapter Sixty Four - Internet Stalking 

Are you really gonna save the world this way, crying like a kid every single day?

Hell yeah, motherfucker, I'm afraid it's true

People are in pain what's wrong with you

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The transition from being home and returning to school was staggering, after the few weeks spent in the isolation of his own confined space he found it disorienting to be back here. Back in classes.

Katsuki handled it well, though, regardless of it; confident in himself as he spoke to his classmates about his departure. He spared details but he was polite when they came up to him. Kirishima was ever the moderator and Izuku the backbone while, surprisingly enough to the blonde, Todoroki was the calmer. It seemed like his little circle of tight knit friends became even stronger, Ashido bounding over with Kaminari to joke around and laugh with him even if he just gave half smiles or scowls at their jokes, Jirou coming up beside him to press an earbud against his head lightly so he could hear the new things she found. She always turned the volume higher for him. Shoto, now, would do what he used to do while calming Izuku from an anxious episode and press his palm over Katsuki's own to let little snowflakes trickle over them. The slow snowfall was surprisingly serene and it was magical to watch them come out of his hands from thin air.

Toshinori pulled Izuku away now and then, one of his friends filling the empty space where his partner had previously been. They still hadn't said anything officially, but they were pretty sure everyone knew by now. With Izuku beside him at lunch, he'd casually place his arm over the back of Katsuki's chair and tug him closer. He'd casually trail his fingers through the soft blonde baby hairs at the back of his neck, smoothing them down to relax him when he had a particularly bad day. And he'd casually get caught kissing him in the dormitory hall by Iida who merely chuckled, blushed, adjusted his glasses and scurried off silently with his book while Ochako followed suit with a knowing look, a smile and a salute to Izuku.

Regardless, it seemed as though he had returned at the perfect time since they were beginning a new lesson that a lot of the others were excited about.

"Coordinating and Communicating during events." Midnight spoke, her whip lashing through the air as she walked in front of the room. "As a pro hero you are to be invited to multiple ceremonies, galas and rewarding events. It is your responsibility to look and act your absolute best while being mindful of your surroundings and being prepared to face any obstacles. From what I heard, when you were all at I-island you had a very hard time coordinating battle; having been caught unaware with the villain while in your finest attire."

She stopped, the clack of heels coming to a pause as she slapped her red frilled looking whip against the whiteboard. "Disappointing. In this course, you will be learning how to dress while also being prepared for anything, you will learn how to look devine while fighting crime. You will learn how to accept a reward and give a speech, how to act during public events and how to address the media."

Her cerulean eyes briefly stopped on Katsuki who evenly looked back, leaned back in his chair, looking practically through Hagakure. It lasted all of a second before it was gone, back to the others, and then to a spot just behind Katsuki's shoulder.

"You will learn how to speak less rigidly in front of a camera, less robotic and more flowing, remember our talk Midoriya?"

Izuku coughed, no doubt blushing at being called out as a soft ripple of laughter skimmed through the classroom. Izuku wasn't the greatest at speaking before a camera in first year, he took the form of a rigid cube, eyes blown wide like held at gunpoint.

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