Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine - Perspective

"Stay here, stay quiet." She spoke, brushing her fingers through blonde hair in a motion that could be seen from afar as tender but to him was foreboding. Underneath that smile he gave was intrepidation, it was all an act. He looked past her to the little boy sitting on the steps in front of his house.

He could see the boy but the boy couldn't see him, his back was to the door's window and his face was turned in the direction of the street. His wondrous wide green eyes seemed to flash as they followed every passing car, his curls bouncing in the wind softly.

The blonde boy looked at the woman, almost pleadingly. He never showed much emotion when she was near him, resulting in mostly a numb state seeing as his tears got him nowhere. His begs of "stop" never did much else but excite her so he stayed silent. But she used the boy's freckled friend as a crutch, a liability, something to make him tick.

"If you tell, I'll hurt him." She would say, patting his head. "I'll make sure you never see that little friend of yours, Deku was it? You'll never see him again, wouldn't that be nice?"

Red eyes would meet darker ones, prickling with self loathing and fear. He was never going to admit it to her but she had him under her foot when she used the curly haired boy as a threat. She knew the effect, he didn't have to admit it because she knew. She smiled, the expression curving up like a knife, glinting dangerously in its wake.

The door opened, he got pushed out. "Be good." she'd call. She knew those words crippled the boy who didn't know what she was doing, who was too innocent to know just what would happen to her if his parents knew.

"Be good"

What exactly is good? The word is tainted. It's all perspective.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Izuku and Katsuki sat in the cafe's nook, surrounded by books and words. Words reflected from novels into their personalities, their words having been shed between friends and lovers before in the pages accumulating dust on the shelves.

"Can I hug you?" He broke the silence, the question causing a subtle laugh from the blonde who swatted the males hand away from his grasp and clambered into his arms with a soft cry. His emotional break, his truthful actions causing the dam of anger to crack. He never thought he'd be telling him about what she did, how she kept him in place. He never would have thought. But it happened, after all these years.

Izuku wrapped his arms around the males body, holding him tightly against his own with a deep inhale of the caramel- like scent.

Two Romeos, who would have thought? But their story was different, it wasn't a love story yet. Nor was it a simple infatuation, a burning passion about to burn out and die. No, these two were like a subtle flicker. A light in the dark, expanding and licking up the walls with their glow. Every word, every action and every step closer caused the candle to expand and it's light to reach further in the world of darkness. Not fire but light because the fire stayed contained, small as if it were a candle but the light stretched out like a shadow.

As long as darkness existed, light did too, it was just how you held it that mattered. If you covered the light underneath clenched fists or held it gently in cupped hands to show the world.

It wasn't like his dream, his dream that moved so fast and simple, so rushed. This was real life, this was real. This was pure and painful, this was life. Izuku was soon sobbing, letting Katsuki run his hands through the messy curls to calm him down, as if he was the one who talked about the worst possible thing that could happen to a child. As if it were his memories. In a way, it was. But in a different perspective, a different point of view. The tears came out of nowhere, brimming and flowing down his face in steady streams. He felt so much pain but he welcomed it, the ache.

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