Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen- Favorite Crime

The boy was moving from side to side, striding from one side of the room to the other swiftly with his hands shaking, like he was trying to get rid of a bug. Over and over again, almost as if he was trying to tear a path into the beige carpeted floors of the ugly law office. He fretted silently, only vaguely thinking about how disgusting beige floors and green walls went together. He loved the colour green, but this wasn't the one he liked. The green he liked was mixed with black, it was brighter, it was gentle.

It was leaning against the wall watching him pace back and forth like a mechanical toy. His arms crossed over his chest, eyes watching the male move from one end of the room to the other. He didn't try to stop him just yet, all he did was watch. Watch the panic set in, he knew it was going to happen. He knew exactly how to help. He was just waiting to see if Bakugou would pull himself out on his own.

The blonde was failing horribly at helping himself, so Izuku stepped in. Walking in front of the pre-teen, he tilted his head and waited to be acknowledged. Bakugou rammed into him, almost falling back if Izuku hadn't caught him.

"Deku-" His tone was angry, it was gritted out through bared teeth. Izuku didn't move, he poked Katsuki's forehead the way Bakugou used to do to him when they were younger. "Dweeb" he used to say, poking Izuku's forehead with a smile on his face.

"Kacchan, snap out of it." He said, tilting his head to the closed door. The two boys had been left alone, the lawyer having left in a hurry after the judge called a recess. The first half of the trial was complete, the lawyer had told them before she went to collect herself.

"No, no, it's all messy in there. Deku, they're saying that... Do you think that-" He rambled, not completing anything he was saying as his hands moved animatedly. His eyes were unfocused, gazing away. Izuku frowned.

"Kacchan, you never care about what others think. How is this any different?" He stopped the boy's hands from shaking, holding them within his own. "You did nothing wrong, don't let them shove words into your mouth and make you guilty."

He didn't know the hands he held would leave him bruised, bloody. Gasping out for air.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Izuku groaned in utter frustration, the roles being reversed as he was now the one knocking on the other's door.

It had been a week. A whole damn week. And Katsuki avoided him like the plague. It angered him to no end, making Izuku want to punch the wall multiple times until it collapsed and killed him. Quite a lovely image but nothing more than a fantasy seeing how he restrained his anger so delicately under a smile. A smile that, over time, one would find fake. But not just yet.

"Kacchan." He called, waiting for a few seconds. He could see the light on, a shadow from beneath the doors edge. He couldn't hear within the soundproofed dorms but, with what he could assume, he figured Katsuki was pacing. It was a habit he had when they were children. It was one of the many things that made Bakugou who he was and, if it was any other time, Izuku would admire it. But at the moment- "Katsuki open the fucking door."

His tone was calm but it was also intimidating. He saw the shadow pause before it started pacing again, this time faster. Midoriya pursed his lips, imagining the thrill of banging his head against the door. But he stayed calm, he stayed gentle, he tried again. "I'm not leaving, you know."

The door opened, a frantic blonde looking at him with narrowed eyes. "Leave."

"No." Izuku opened the door further, letting himself in despite Bakugou's protests. Despite the hands trying to desperately push him back. Izuku caught his wrist, pushing them both into the room, closing the door behind them. Using his wrist he shoved him against the wall, leaning down to hiss. "Stop fighting me."

"Stop acting like nothing is wrong!" Bakugou shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he yelled. His bottled emotions blowing up, overflowing. "Stop acting like I didn't hurt you. That I didn't fuck you up in the process I did with me. Don't act like I didn't hit you! Stop acting!"

Izuku felt his heart in his throat, not able to speak as tears threatened to spill from Katsuki's eyes. He balled his fists at his sides, still shouting. "On top of that you let me treat you like that! And I feel bad when you leave me even when I push you away! All the things I fucking did!"


"And each time I hurt you worse! I do it again and again. Over and over! And I can never say sorry! I-"


"I never stop! I am so damaged, so broken, I broke the one good thing in my life! The damage I did when going down, I was going down with you. You were always there! Look what we became because of me! Me!"

"Katsuki!" Izuku growled, fist hitting the wall on the side of the males head, this time Bakugou stopped. Looking up he sniffled, eyes blurry from the tears that trekked down his cheeks slowly. Midoriya's eyes moved over the males features, scanning them for a sign as he leaned closer. Katsuki didn't stop him though, he leaned up to speed up the process. Kissing him with such desperation, such hunger. The salt of his tears stinging Izuku lips as he leaned closer. They both separated with a sob, holding onto each other like lifelines.

Katsuki let Izuku hold him, arms going around his waist and head on his shoulder. Both of them sobbing, letting the pain of the many years they were together be shed.

I love you more than you can imagine.- Izuku thought, holding him closer. Both of them are such tragic messes. It was almost sad. -Know I loved you so bad I let you treat me like that.

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