Chapter Fifty Three

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Chapter Fifty Three - Confessions and Note 

If I knew it all then

Would I do it again?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

They got home pretty late in the evening, earning a playful whistle from Kirishima who was walking past the living room when they came through the door. He was aware that Katsuki looked dazed, pinker than usual, with his lips reddened and Izuku was smirking more than he usually did, smug. He was so very, very smug.

They had their pinkies interlocked behind Izuku's back for a final feeling of touch before separating to go their different ways, agreeing to meet up later to talk about Izuku's family night. Katsuki quickly walked to Kirishima, grabbed him by the back of the shirt and dragged him away, taking Todoroki with him by default since Eijirou was speaking to him when the duo walked in.

Izuku planned on going to his room to finish up some notes but Ochako looped her arm into his, leaving Iida and Asui to continue their prior conversation, signaling she wanted to ask something. He met her eyes and he could tell it was the same expression his mother had and he sighed. "Yes, Uraraka?"

"Can we talk in private?" She murmured softly and he nodded. She took him back outside, not letting go of his arm until the door closed behind them. She took a second before she spoke, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I know this is none of my business and it's insensitive to ask but, I've just..."

Uraraka brought an arm around her midsection as she spoke, hugging herself in the cold. Izuku stood beside her, protecting her from the heavy wind which picked up in the night.

"I've liked you for a while but I can see that..." She smiled at him, lips slightly shaky as she became a bit embarrassed by her confession. "Well I think that you like Bakugou, right?"

Izuku nodded, letting her speak and giving calm, short answers in reply. She brought a hand to his chest, tapping the Dynamight logo on the front of the jacket he sported with a self-done pink manicured nail. "And he likes you too, I'm sure." She gave a sad smile to him and he knew. Oh, he knew before she even had to say it. "I've had a crush on you for so long, Deku, that I was blinded by the fact you only care about two things." She brought a hand to his face, holding his cheek. "Being a hero and Bakugou, who sorta is part of the hero part regardless. For three years I've seen it but I was too distracted by admiration to fully process it."

Izuku brought his hand over hers, nodding to show he was listening and keeping his eyes trained on her. Ochako went on. "I'm happy for you, Deku, I am. But I wanted to tell you what I've been thinking because I've just felt so guilty. Ever since first year you were an inspiration to me and maybe that hero worship of you turned into something more than platonic along the way but... I see how you are with him and I can't even be mad." She smiled, eyes glossing with tears and voice altering to a sad yet comforting tone. "I'm happy for you but I'm, in all honesty, a bit jealous of him."

They both laughed airily at her words, fog mingling into the frigid air, Ochako finding herself silly.

"It's okay, Uraraka." Midoriya ensured, bringing her hand away from his face to hold both her hands in his own. "I'm embarrassed to say I've known. And I never wanted to hurt your feelings but after that one time. That one talk?"

She nodded, flakes of snow falling into her chocolate brown hair. Her eyes shot through with hazel beneath the light of the streetlamps. They had spoken briefly on this topic but she chickened out half way. "Would it have mattered if I asked you out then?"

He shook his head. "I think we would have gone on a few dates and I would have liked it but it would have ended regardless." His thumb softly ran over her knuckles. "You're beautiful, Uraraka, and you mean a lot to me but not like that. After the initial shyness of girls faded away from my immature teenage brain," They both laughed again at his joke as he went on. "I think it would have ended in an impasse. That's what I told Kat- Kacchan." He corrected midway, not knowing why he did so. Maybe using his first name was too intimate in front of her. "Trust me, you'll find better than me for you."

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