Chapter Fourty-One

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Chapter Forty One - Family ties 2.0 (written at 4am with insomnia but edited days later)

"I love you, no matter what. Always." She murmured, stroking her son's hair from where he sobbed into his arms at the kitchen table. She laughed airly. "Oh, Katsuki, you're my one and only brat. Nothing changes that, honey."

His shoulders shook, his face digging into his forearms as he hid his expression from her. She rubbed soothing circles over the fabric on his back, murmuring gentle words. Every now and then he'd sniffle and mumble out apologies. "Don't be sorry, Katsuki, I understand why you'd be worried but... Nothing you can do will change the fact that you're my son. You liking what you like is nothing compared to that. I support you, all the way. Always."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Mitsuki opened the door the minute she saw her son running out of the cherry red Mustang, face slightly flushed and eyes alight. She had been watching from the window, awaiting his arrival, and hadn't expected to see her son kissing his childhood friend. Now, she was proud. She applauded it. But she was surprised to say the least.

When he saw her at the door he smiled, a genuine bright smile that held triumph and sheepishness. Her maternal instinct kicked up and her heart expanded, reaching out to hug him she smiled back. "Hello, brat."

"Hag." He crashed into her embrace, though he was far taller and larger than she was, she held him close to her chest. Patting the ash blonde hair that mimicked her own she spoke.

"When were you going to tell me you're dating Izuku?" She whispered, waving at the teen in the car who seemed to have realized that they had been caught. Izuku's scarred hand waved as he drove off, most likely a flustered mess in the depths of the driver's seat. When Mitsuki closed the door her son was trying, and failing, to hide his smirk. She raised a brow. "Oh?"

Katsuki sniffed, running his thumb over his bottom lip to stifle a laugh. "I- Okay- Wait-"

"Is this a gay panic? One of your friends said something about it last time you had them over." Mitsuki tilted her head, not even bothering to hide her smile. It was cute, honestly. The way her son blushed and smirked as if he was in on the funniest joke.

He shushed her, eyes wide. "I knew I shouldn't have let those shit heads talk to you."

They looked at each other, spitting images of each other. Messy, explosive hair, deep, vast, volcanic eyes. Warm hearts and gentle souls. It was truly wonderful, the bond between a mother and her child. Though, sometimes it wasn't the best there were those few bonds that prevailed. Bonds like Katsuki and his tough-loving mother who tried her best to give her son what she longed for as a child. Who tried her best not to be like her own mother.

Who refused to accept her son's silence after finding out her sister would be let out of her hell hole.

"Katsuki." She finally spoke, seriously now. Her hand reached out to softly caress his hair behind his ear. His gaze filtered to the door behind her, as if rethinking his decision and his emotions. Did he have the stability to speak so openly with his own mother? Speaking to Izuku now seemed easier, coveted, accepted. His own flesh and blood? It was like starting back at ground zero.

"Can we talk about Deku first? It's um... Easier." He admitted it easily, despite his doubts. Underneath it all he knew he trusted his mother, trusted her with everything within him, but nerves racked through his body liked waves.

Her smile was bright, something he didn't see often. His resting bitch face came from her, he had no doubt, but when they smiled? When either of the blondes in that family smiled it was like the world got put on pause. Their smiles were so beautiful, rare like a jewel and just as delicate. Just as strong. Contradictions muddled in with the words, but they were all true. They all rang with sincerity.

"Sure." She leaned against the wall, waiting for him to take off his boots before they filtered into the living room. The place hadn't changed much since Katsuki was gone, the last few months only brought new placing. The couch tilted more to the fireplace, the TV no doubt being brought to the basement being replaced by a stack of books. Rows upon rows of shelves, as if it were a library. His love of romances derived from her. Neither of his parents were too into TV, preferring to occupy themselves elsewhere.

New furniture, such as that coffee table, caught his eyes. Their last one had not only been burnt from Katsuki's outburst, but riddled with sticky crescents of residue from when one of them forgot to use a coaster.

As he sat on the couch he found himself feeling like a stranger, taking in new additions to the home as if he didn't live there himself. As if this wasn't all his as well.

His hand smoothed over the ultrasuede fabric the couch accompanied, a sigh leaving him before he blurted out excitedly. "We've been together for a few weeks."

"Do tell." His mother sat beside him, equally as eager to listen as he was to tell. He had a weird sense of pride filled him. A warm fuzzy feeling with butterflies erupting in his stomach and rattling around in his ribcage. He felt a soft purr at his feet and jumped slightly, a happy gasp leaving his lips as he bent from his seat to grab the ball of fur at the floor.

The cat he and Izuku had found had grown. So beautiful, black fur expanding like a dark shadow and it's green eyes sparkling like emeralds. His hands softly pet the fur, a smile growing as he added a small thank you for his mothers service of taking care of the pet before continuing. "Around the start of this month."

It was nearing mid December, so that had to be what- Two weeks? It felt so much longer. It felt like time had expanded, passing slower yet so quickly it caused disorientation. Katsuki shifted in his seat, letting the furball in his hands squirm until she was on his lap. Yes, she. And he named her Queen Explosion Murder, why wouldn't he?

"Queenie." He cooed, shortening the name when the cat nipped at his fingers playfully before curling up in his lap and promptly falling asleep. Though, the minute he took his hand away from scratching behind her ears, her head poked up.

Mitsuki smirked. "You kissed him first, huh?"

"Of fucking course I did!" His outburst called on his father who walked downstairs right at that moment, a gentle worried smile matched with nerves on his face. Katsuki looked at his dad, an odd sort of... pain. No, that wasn't the right word. It wasn't so much pain but an expanding of his heart that happened when he looked at his dad and saw someone else entirely. Saw two people, really, and realized how good he had it.

Smiling in the most genuine manner he called out to him. "Hey dad!"

Masaru could have cried on the spot from that greeting alone, from the childish way it was said. Katsuki hadn't talked to him so cheerfully, so loud and proudly, since he was a kid bringing his parents to school. He was unaware of how Hiashi and Deku flashed through the younger Bakugou's eyes, one brought happiness and the other brought thankfulness. Both emotions swirled below the surface.

"Hello, Katsuki." 

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