Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven - What are you doing to me?

I suppose

I love my scars


they have

stayed with me


than most people


Nikita Gill

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

To say Izuku Midoriya was emotionally exhausted by the end of the evening would be an understatement. Our green haired protagonist felt like he was close to screaming, throwing up and breaking out into tears. A splitting headache broke out through his brain, causing unwelcome pain throughout the second half of their dinner.

Katsuki, on the other hand, had retracted within himself. What was left was politeness. He wasn't mad or hurt by Hisashi's words, not from the beginning to the end. It was as if it didn't matter. There was a wall separating those harsh words from his feelings.

Because, deep down, Bakugou knew that the words from this man didn't matter. His opinion meant nothing to Katsuki seeing as he was a stranger to him whereas it meant the world to Izuku because it was his dad. No matter how much he despised him, saw him as someone he wouldn't want to be, he had an attachment to the man. He always would. Family was like that.

There were multiple awkward moments throughout the night, one of which was the fact that they figured out Hiashi had something to do with the retrails. He had dropped multiple hints throughout the evening, not noticing how his wife fell silent and retreated into the background. She obviously didn't agree with his methods but said no such thing. She was loyal but to the wrong man. She didn't deserve the cards she had been dealt.

When they left Izuku relented to her, hugging his father awkwardly just to see her smile. Even after his dad insulted his vehicle of choice he smiled, fakely, and stayed quiet. He didn't outburst the rest of the night, following the blonde's lead in being quiet.

It was his words at the end of the night that had Izuku on edge. "Izuku, I wanted to bring you down to the house me and your mom bought recently. How's Saturday?"

This meant that he'd have to meet them again, go through this whole shebang and for what? His patience to be tested at every interval? For his fathers looks to stray to his odd movements?

For them to speak without any outsiders present? This was just the cusp of Hisashi Akemi, he was far far worse than what he had shown today. The fact they were in a restaurant and Katsuki was present meant he had toned himself down.

This was him toned down.

But how could he say no? How could he rudely brush his own father aside and ignore his mothers wishes? No matter how much he disagreed he had to relent. He had to give in because it was the right thing to do.

Because he loved his family despite it all.

"I'll be there, just text me the address." He answered simply.

And that was that. No big drama, no big blow out, just underspoken tension that they didn't touch on. Every wrong thing Akemi said, the harder Izuku bit his tongue. And yet, the easier Bakugou spoke.

He didn't hate this man, if anything he pitied him. He pitied the man who could hold so much hate for the world, so much greed that he'd never be happy, so much evil that he was blinded by his own actions.

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