Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty Three - Always watching

Everything was fine, until you came. You were a plague on my life. A disease that I couldn't rid myself of for that meant removing a limb and I-

I was far too self conscious to lose you. For losing you meant losing a part of myself.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

She waited underneath the dark shadow of the university's arches, hand flat against the marble beams that held the structure up. Her eyes glowed eerily in the darkness, flickering around like a stray cat tracing a mouse. Predatorial and warning she stayed silent, still, almost molding into the building's extravagant molding herself.

He stood beside her, waiting. Watching. His hand at her shoulder, eyes observing a point just over her head. "Is this really a good idea?"

She shushed him, waving her hand in the space to the side. If she had to tell him one more time to shut up, she'd throw a fit. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring a hero to do something seen as possibly illegal but it was for his boyfriend so he had to put in some work. Well, that's what he told her at least. She tried her best to tell him to fuck off, he just didn't listen.

The parking lot was illuminated brightly by scattered streetlamps, her skin pale underneath it's radiant glow. She looked over her shoulder, smiling at him. "Be useful, will you? You're a hero, surely you're stealthy, stop standing around over my shoulder and act natural. There are cameras around here, dumbass."

Her words were spoken so sweetly but the depth to them could have stung if Izuku cared deeply about his pride. Though, with her, he was quite accustomed to it. He dealt with Katsuki of all people. "Cameras?"

"Yes, cameras, now stand straight and act like a boyfriend or something." She rolled her eyes, looking back to the side. The courthouse residing beside the school was dwarfed by the university's gerth, hidden beneath trees and shrubbery. It looked almost like a community library from afar, unlabeled with small cottage windows and mini steps leading to the dark oak door with the faux gold handle.

He frowned but nonetheless tried to oblige. Midoriya found himself wondering how to act like a boyfriend, as if being with a woman was different from being with Katsuki. He seemed to freeze, mumbling through every single scenario he had had with his partner in their short time being a couple. He wasn't really that touchy with Katsuki to begin with, in public they kept the usual space between them unless you counted the occasional heat of the moment teasing.

"Holy hell, Izuku, just put your arm around my shoulder or some shit and act like you're telling me a joke." She hissed, humored but frustrated. She didn't like having teammates on endeavors like these but Izuku had insisted. She grabbed his hand, tossing it around her shoulders, looking up at him with a smile as she uttered between gritted teeth. "You're a horrible actor."

"Sorry, babe." He said the name like it was venomous, he would never call Katsuki babe unless he was joking at this point. He had an odd disliking to the name so he forced it upon the woman in her arms who smirked.

"You know if we were dating I'd be your sugar momma, you have a thing for older women?"

This had him laughing, just in time since the door to the courthouses flung open to reveal exactly who they were stalking. Clad in a deep ebony suit he stood at the foot of the door, smiling fakely to a dark skinned older woman who looked disappointed at whatever had been spoken about inside the depths of the building.

She turned them around so that if the man were to look over he'd only see part of her face and the dark shadow of Izuku's lean frame, he couldn't see Izuku's features. That'd screw them over. She leaned up on the tips of her toes, arms around his shoulders in a makeshift embrace. He took the hint and hugged her back, letting her do her thing as she rested her chin on his shoulder and gazed at the following men in suits who walked out of the building soon after, not a single woman among them. They were crowded around the door, some fleeing to the parking lot until after a few minutes there were only two left.

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