Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two - Late night talks

Cold bones, yeah, that's my love

She hides away, like a ghost

Does she know that we bleed the same?

Don't wanna cry but I break that way ~

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

What transpired inside of the Bakugou household would leave the only son forever glad to have been blessed with his parents. When he left the house, freed from the shackles of his secrecy, he hugged them both. He hadn't done such a thing since he was a kid, no doubt.

His mother pet his hair, his father ruffled it, and he left. Izuku was in the car, knowing better than to get his partner at the door. Katsuki wanted privacy, Midoriya would grant him that. Though, from the chaste and, quite late mind you, 'come-pick-me-up' text Izuku had gotten assured him that everything had gone well.

As did the million 'Izuku, they're not mad' and 'I'm fucking crying- Come get me' texts that had filtered in through the last hour. Izuku was late, Katsuki didn't care. Well, on the contrary, he cared more about his lover being safe than having been left with his family longer than anticipated.

Midoriya was safe alright, hidden in the shadows embrace for the time being. He waited patiently, watching from afar as Mitsuki roughly smacked her son's head with a big grin full of love as she grumbled at him to visit more often. Tough love, something thoroughly reciprocated when Katsuki yelled back a curse before hugging her in a silent agreement.

Izuku unlocked the door when he saw Katsuki half run towards the car, waving over his shoulder to his parents before quickly dropping into the passenger seat and slamming the door. He huffed, eyes alight with pride as he spoke quickly. "Hi!"

"Hi." Midoriya returned, gently. He smiled at the full force of happiness that bounded off of Katsuki when he jolted forward to wrap his arms around Izuku's neck in a hug. He stayed like that, embracing him tightly. Izuku, though surprised, held him in place. His hand moved up and down the expanse of the males back as he laughed. "What happened?"

Bakugou stayed quiet, hugging Izuku closer and cursing the car's console between them, keeping them still a bit far apart. He leaned his head into the crook of Midoriya's neck, inhaling deeply the scent of mint before murmuring. "She knows that we're dating."

Izuku couldn't help the blush that rained down on him, his entire body stiffening. "Well that's-"

He stammered over words, the darkness around them shielding them from Mitsuki's gaze now unlike that afternoon. They stayed silent, their hearts beating rapidly in tandem. One out of joy, the other out of pure unbridled fear of looking bad. "What'd she say?"

"She's happy." He answered, moving away now to look at his partner, a smug little smirk painting itself over his face when he brought his hands to cup Izuku's face between them. "Are you blushing, nerd?"

Izuku stared at him with wide eyes, a slightly dopey smile plastered over his face as he leaned into the touch. "No."

Bakugou's eyes stayed on his, watching as the blush darkened to the point it almost covered his face entirely. So confident one minute, shy the next. He couldn't restrain the stupid smile that made it's way on his face as he ducked to press a gentle kiss against his lips before pushing him away and landing back in the passenger seat with a huff. He was oddly triumphant with what he had done, arms crossed over his chest as he waited for Midoriya to collect himself.

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