Chapter Sixty

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Chapter Sixty - Cold Bathroom Floor 

The cold bathroom floor is where I'll die

And my mom's real sad, but I can't seem to cry

In an empty room is where I'll stay

I've never been alright, but it'll be okay

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Staring into his reflection, he slowly wound the tie once. Twice. Upon the third time, he gave up, scarred fingers moving away, palms up in exasperation as he filtered them into his curls, yanking them back to breath in deeply and close his eyes.

Rigid, dressed formally, he stood in front of the bathroom sink, muttering softly. After slinking out of Katsuki's house around three in the morning, Izuku face planted into bed at the dorms until midday when his alarm blared like a siren of impending doom, jolting him awake. Now, eyeing his appearance, he couldn't help the slow cringe. He couldn't tie a tie to save his life, first of all, secondly he looked downright murderous and, thirdly, finally just deciding to leave the chunky mess of fabric, he realized he needed to make an excuse to his friends before leaving.

But, then again, he could just tell the truth and be done with it. Because screw hiding anything. Were reporters still around UA? They probably already knew what today was, then, regardless. But what if they wanted to talk to him personally? In all truth, his classmates hadn't-

"No one has asked me anything since the first day, actually I think they're avoiding me now. Not Todoroki or Kirishima, but some of the others, I think Uraraka spoke to me yesterday. I feel like they're all a bit awkward now, considering everything, but it's not like I'm all that welcoming knowing Kacchans at home getting wound up. Is he dressed by now? I don't think he's going to wear a suit since this is him and he hates stuffy things, but I mean you need to be formal in court, right? I don't really remember what we did last time, which is stupid of me, as a pro hero I'm going to be in law offices and court all the time, hell I should probably brush up on knowledge. Maybe All Might could.. But, ah, I haven't spoken to him in awhile either, have I? Jeez, when'd-" Izuku rubbed his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger, tapping his foot with his free arm crossed firmly over his torso, staring blankly in the distance.

"Uh, Midoriya?" Kirishima blinked, since this was the communal bathroom instead of their small personal ones. Izuku needed the bigger mirror, after all, so he had come downstairs. "Dude, you good?"

"He's been stuck like that for five minutes." Denki said through a mouthful of toothpaste.

Kirishima was dressed in semi formal, dark jeans and a red crewneck coupled by the matching jean jacket, leaning against the wall, holding his phone. He had asked Katsuki, earlier that morning when Izuku had been conked out still, if he were able to seat himself in the back as moral support. Of course, he worded it more like he was there for Izuku but truly he was there for Bakugou; he knew better than to tell the blonde that though. Katsuki freaked at affection easy, even considering his progress with Izuku, that if Kirishima sprung something like 'I worry and care about you, I want to be there for you man' in their phone call he'd be hung up on and blocked for at least twenty four hours.

Katsuki had gotten a half assed excuse, and he'd given a sharp 'do whatever the fuck you want shitty hair' in response. And, said shitty hair, did just that. He tagged along. Hands in his hair, a copious amount of gel from the container on the counter, he spoke. "Midoriya!"

Izuku, mid-sentence, looked up with sudden clarity and then a soft hued pink of embarrassment rained over his face. "Sorry, guys, I got distracted. Yes?"

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