Chapter Forty Nine

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Chapter Forty Nine - Touch 

I hate dreaming of being alone

Cause you are never there

Just a shadowy figure with a blank face

Kicking me out of his place

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

When Katsuki got to finally do Izuku Midoriya's makeup it was before he went to his fathers new house a few weeks after they had spoken about his supposed infidelity. After finally agreeing, having priorly procrastinated the meeting for at least a month, just to spy on him. There was no other reason he was going and that baffled Katsuki but who was he to say anything, he didn't know the relationship Izuku had going on with his father behind the veil. His father was an asshole, he could see that. The lack of care, though, seemed to shock the blonde.

"I still think you and that chick are running in circles." Katsuki had spoken as he paced his room, humoring this absurdity while he prepared a thought in his head of what he wanted Izuku to look like. He shoved him down into his bed and ordered him to stay as he got his supplies. His newly cleaned room felt warmer, the windows open and basking him in light. He felt organized again, somewhat in the right mindset again.

Izuku sat obediently in the middle of his made bed, legs crossed and hands at his calves as he replied. "No, you admitted there are some inconsistencies."

Katsuki looked over his shoulder, eyes exasperated and brows furrowed as he contemplated briefly how to respond before settling on. "So maybe I did, but that doesn't fucking mean I agree, dammit."

"Why are you fighting so hard against this?" Izuku mused. "I know I asked this before but really, Kacchan, I don't understand."

He grabbed the eyeshadow and the eyeliner, climbing into Izuku's lap without even asking or bothering to care as he shoved him down further with his palm flat against his chest. "Lie back." He instructed.

A light pink dusted over his features but he obeyed once more, however with a stubborn set to his lips. Katsuki huffed. "Don't pout, I'm not ignoring your question. I'm just fucking focused."

"I-it's not just that, I- '' His viridescent eyes darted to his hip placement.

"Oh, don't be such a wuss." Katsuki chuckled. "I've sat in your lap before, deal with it."

"So cruel." Izuku teased, grinning slightly at the demanding and sassy tone the blonde used. Katsuki's dark rimmed eyes slanted to him but didn't meet his gaze, focused more on his eyelids and brows, looking over his eyes instead of directly in them like he usually did.

"Close your eyes for me." He murmured. Izuku gave him one final curious glance, tentatively closing his eyes. His eyelids moved a bit, anticipating contact. Katsuki let his fingers trace over them softly, ever so lightly, trailing down his nose to his cheekbone. He watched him, felt him breathe, his body going on autopilot to his touch. Smiling to himself, his hand trailed down to his jaw, one finger going down his adams apple to draw over the constellation of freckles over his collarbones. "Relaxed now?"

It was a small whisper of a response, hands moving over Katsuki's waist. "Yes."

"Good, I'm starting." He opened the eyeshadow palette with a telltale plastic click, leaning over Izuku and holding his chin to keep him in place. He spoke as he worked, soothing the small flinches Izuku gave on instinct with his words and his gentle touches tracing the defined planes of his maturing features. He didn't do it purposefully, it just seemed to happen and he didn't have the energy to unfurl why. "I said that I fight against this because I refuse to buy into a delusion. I don't want to make a big deal out of this but it feels like no matter how I say that, no matter how I think it, it will never work. We talk about this all the time, mostly my initiation but still. It's never ending and I hate that. I just sometimes wish it never happened. That I was normal."

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