Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine - Snippets of secrecy 

I got a secret

Can you keep it?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Izuku wasn't there the next morning, his body leaving an imprint of space in Katsuki's bed. The sheets from where he previously lay were cold and rustled into his vague shape. The chain of his necklace lay delicately on the pillow near the blonde's head, glinting in the morning light.

His window was open, the curtains pulled back to reveal that serotonin inducing sight that Katsuki had learned to love. The sun rose high into the cotton candy sky, illuminating the sheen of frost that had fallen over the windowsills and coated the dying grass. He sat up in bed, groaning at the soreness to his muscles from sleeping so deeply. He usually moved around in his sleep, stretching out like a starfish, but that night he slept deeply while on his side cuddled up next to his own personal space heater.

Speaking of- It was odd of him to leave so suddenly. Katsuki rubbed his eyes, yawning grandly. His uniform was folded cleanly at the edge of his bed, reminding him that he had class that morning. Izuku had left a note.

So damn- He smiled to himself. -So damn romantic for no reason.

He admired the gesture, reading from afar his name scrawled in messy cursive over the front of the paper. Izuku usually had messy writing but, when he put his mind to it, he could write neatly and precisely. Katsuki reached for the ripped up lined paper, no doubt torn from his notebook.

Good Morning, Beautiful.

You're so going to make fun of me for this but I don't care. Much.

I had to go so I won't be in class this morning but I'll see you in the afternoon.

Stay safe.


He could have written a text but he wrote a letter, taking the time to doodle intricate flowers around the border of the page. Katsuki held the paper to his chest, refraining a laugh. He was changing him, he noticed it once more now. Izuku was making him lighter, doing small gestures that made him feel small. Made him feel protected. Loved. Something he wasn't used to, something he never thought he'd enjoy.

He checked the time quickly clambering out of bed when he realized he'd be late if he didn't get a move on. Setting the letter to the side he reminded himself to put it with the rest of his... memories. The pictures and little snippets that rested in a shoebox in the back of his closet, hidden behind books and folded jeans.

Buttoning up his shirt in the hall he got joined by Kirishima who knocked their shoulders together gently and smiled toothily. "I saw your boyfriend sneaking out of your room."

Katsuki hummed, leaving the last two top buttons undone. He flicked Ejirou's forehead with an eye roll as a response before stuffing his hands into the dark green pants of his uniform. "When did he leave?"

"'Round like-" he counted on his fingers, earning a soft snort at the gesture. "It's nine now so I'm pretty sure he left at around six."

"How the hell were you up at six?" Katsuki stifled another yawn, not even meaning the question so seriously. He expected a dumb response but he was met with silence.

Kirishima pursed his lips, shutting himself up. Katsuki raised a brow, smirking. "Do tell." 

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