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Besotted - noodleboime 

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Besotted - noodleboime 

Reviewer - pomalo_ 

Cover/Title/Blurb : 4.5/5 

 The cover is gorgeous!! It really drew me more to the story. The B&W theme goes so well with Draco's personality as well. But I suggest you make the font of the title a bit smaller, so that it leaves some space on both sides and doesn't look too full. The title is short, sweet, and relevant to the story, so no other comment needed about that. The blurb is short and funny and quite perfectly describes the whole story without giving away too much, so that's great too!

Detail : 9/10 

 The detailing of your writing is adequate in my opinion, not too much and not too less. The world building and scene building details have been properly mentioned and the readers can get a good idea of the setting. I would have preferred for the descriptions to be more creatively written, using more showing instead of telling and also using more beautiful words. But since this is a fanfiction, I suppose it doesn't really matter becuase it's simply being written for enjoyment and imagination, which is better being conveyed in simple language. So as I said, the detailing is fairly adequate, good job on that! :D 

Originality : 3/5 

 Well, it's a fanfiction, so the only point of originality is the plot and the execution. I wouldn't call the plot very original, though it's an enjoyable plot nonetheless. The execution, though, I think is pretty original for a fanfiction, which is something I really admired :D

Flow of the story : 2/5 

 It felt like there were too many paragraph breaks. Yeah I know it's not good to lengthen your paragraphs too much for better readability but I think you might have shortened some paragraphs unnecessarily. That was breaking the flow for me repeatedly, to the point it started to get a little bit frustrating. It's not exactly about shortening the paragraphs, more like the impact of paragraph breaks. You should break the paragraph when there is a shift in scene or thought, when a different character is speaking, or a different topic is being discussed. 

There were lots of one-liners which would be better off with the previous/next paragraph. In fact, most of the chapters are entirely just a bunch of 1 or 2 sentences written with spaces in the middle. You should only do that in case of dialogues, not the actual narration. Even if the sentences you are writing are beautiful, the flow is just being broken repeatedly with these spaces.

One-liners are supposed to be a single impactful sentence that makes the narrative stronger. Otherwise it feels more like a sentence that doesn't belong all by itself. So while you revise, you should pay attention to this.

There are also places where you broke the paragraph even though the same character is talking. Remember, all dialogues of one character (unless too long) will be in a single para. Only when another character starts talking will the para be broken.

Plot : 8/10 

 The plot is quite nice, funny, and also sweet. The enemies-to-lovers trope is always quite enjoyable, and it worked really well between two characters with the kind of personality Draco and Hooky has XD I love how Hooky is normally a calm girl who is all cupcake and sunshine and just loves experiencing the nature, but with Malfoy she becomes a cursing mess with annoyance. The dynamics are so funny!

I also like how you didn't entirely focus on the romance and also connected the plot with the Wizarding World. I could tell you're a real Potterhead who is in love with the wizarding universe instead of just the characters.

Overall enjoyment : 4/5

You wrote Draco's inner thoughts really well, providing the right effects with caps lock and exclamation marks wherever necessary. It helped me connect with him more in the story, which is important for 1st-person narratives. I like how you showed how truly helpless he was without his parents in the beginning. It was realistic and lived up to the character the original writer created. His distaste towards muggles and the muggle world, his arrogant attitude, and everything that makes Draco the Draco we love was present, and I'm really glad about that. A lot of fanfic writers change the perosnality of the character they're borrowing, and it is very annoying. Although in my opinion, I have always seen Draco as a character who is slightly more soft on the inside than he is outside, so maybe the inner rudeness was exaggerated a bit. But it's fine, not many people nitpick these stuff haha. I do, however, suggest that you write the spells in italics.

My enjoyment was only lessened by the excessive paragraph breaks, and perhaps the slightly exaggerated use of exclamation marks and capital letters. But that's all.


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