Love Impossible

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Love Impossible - Iris-hope 

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Love Impossible - Iris-hope 

Reviewer - WAT3RM3LL 

Cover, Title, and Blurb 3 / 5

Cover: I like it, although I don't know if it perfectly suits the book.

Title: It's not very unique, that being said, it's not bad, and I like it.

Blurb: Too short. The point of a blurb is to hook the reader in, so they get excited about the book. If the blurb is two small sentences, that doesn't work very well.

Grammar and Spelling 9 / 10

Overall very good. One or two things here and there, but so few I only took off 1 mark for this category.

I added comments in line of spelling errors and such. Overall though, good job!

Detail 8 / 10

Some places were amazingly detailed, while others could be much better. The point of details is to put people in the story, to be there with the characters, but if there's a lack of those details, it causes the reader to be less engaged.

Plot 10 / 10

I honestly really liked the plot. The characters, the way the story was going, everything. It's so adorable to watch the interactions between the characters, specifically Ayva and Raj, purely because it's so funny.

I also like how you added different points of view. It adds depth to characters, making me love them even more.

Originality 4 / 5

Flow of the Story 5 / 5

Overall Enjoyment 5 / 5

Total 43 / 50

Note: I love the fact that you added another language, and also that you put the translations in brackets. It added to the story, and I still understood.

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