Scenario: spicy pics 👀

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Ok so first off: slight nsfw ig

Second, IM BACK!! finals are over !!

So this scenario is going to be ✨sending them nudes✨
**cough cough** let's just get on with this
Your boyfriend, Lucifer, was in a meeting with Diavolo. He'd been ditching you this whole week saying he was busy.
This night he promised he'd take you out to dinner, you were in your room getting dressed up.
You thought of a way to get a little bit of revenge on the demon.
You knew you'd probably regret it later but you dropped your clothes to the ground snapped a pic and sent it to him.
Lucifer saw your message and left you on read, you assumed it worked though. The prideful demon remained calm on the outside but thoughts of you were ruling his mind.

You were sitting across the table from your boyfriend, Mammon. You were in a bit of a playful mood and decided to tease him.
Earlier in the day you had taken some pictures of yourself, spicy pictures. You chose your favorite one and sent it to him.
He looked down at his phone and pressed the notification. From across the dinner table you saw his face go bright red.
You laughed your ass off as the other brothers sat there confused.

You walked into Levi's room as you usually would and plopped yourself down on your boyfriend's bed.
You stared at him playing games on gis phone and called out
No response
Again, he was too focused to pay you any attention
You pouted and fell back in his bathtub bed. Looking at your phone you suddenly had an idea.
You scrolled through your photos and picked one and sent it to him.
He immediately clicked on it and turned into a blushing stuttering mess. You could swear there was steam coming off of him.
You just laughed at him.

Satan doesn't really use his phone much since he's always reading, so you had a better idea.
You took a picture of yourself nude with cat ears on and printed it out.
Then you switched his bookmark for the picture of you and sat in the corner innocently.
You kept glancing over to see the moment he'd open it. You looked at him, than your book, than back at him but he was gone.
Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked up to see your boyfriend smirking with a blush in his face and transformed into his demon form.

Asmo had bought you an outfit and told you to try it on.
Asmo: Y/n dear I left a bag in front your door try it on and send me a pic!! Love ya

You: Okk <3

You got dressed and sent the picture,

Asmo: ooh that outfit looks so good on you but I'd rather see you without it 😏

You were used to him teasing you like this but you wanted to surprise him so you took the outfit on and snapped another picture for him.
Much to your surprise though after sending in yours you received an image as well...

(This was hard to come up with, Beel is baby 🥺)
Your boyfriend was in the kitchen as usual.
You were bored and got curious to see how he'd react to a picture of you. Not just any picture a ✨spicy✨ picture.
You watched from the corner and sent it to him. you already had a few of these pictures because of umm reasons...
You watched as he choked on the food he was eating and blushed.

Your boyfriend was ,of course,sleeping.
You felt in the mood to play a little prank of sorts on him. You were right beside him, the demon spooning you.
You chose a picture from your phone and sent it to him.
Then you left and waited for him to wake up.
When he did, the first thing he did was check his phone for any messages. Seeing you were gone he assumed the notification was from you explaining where you were.
When he opened it he went wide-eyed and blushed.

Ahem, uhh 👀👀👀
Well lemme know what you thought of this one.
Should I do side characters too?
Well that's it everyone, glad to be back have a 🍪 and maybe some holy water 💦

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