When you walk in on them

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A/n: by popular demand, the opposite scenario to the previous chapter.
And yes I am alive yall, btw i rather post announcements on this stuff so it might be useful to follow me and then I don't crowd the book with a/ns

He was unfazed, when you opened the door subjecting your eyes to a body made of pure sin.
He was getting changed for a meeting with diavolo.
He promptly told you to leave as he closed the door but the smirk he gave you made you wanna stay.
In mammon's words, this would've been a great thing to sell but if you ever got a picture like that of him I'm sure you'd be dead.
Well your cheeks were very red but you knew to ignore the other brother's inquiries or else there would be consequences...

He had stolen something of your again! So you were headed towards his room to confront him.
Once you opened the door you realized how was not the best time to have done so.
He was naked, he blushed more than you did and yelled at you to leave his room,
You chuckled to yourself and left like nothing ever happened

"Oi! Close the door you stupid human!"

You turned on your heel to the door and he then regret asking you to come back

"Ah wait.. I'll do it myself"

He froze in spot stuttering and blushing redder than tomato, especially since he was trying out a ruri-chan cosplay. You were just there to play video games with him, like you would any other day.
You didn't really think much of it, his reaction was enough for the both of you, 

"I'll just wait outside"

even after closing the door you could still hear what sounded like his soul leaving his body, that is if demons do have souls. (btw that noise is kinda like a hhHHHhHhHhHh noise) 
And afterwards he couldn't stop staring at you, hoping you wouldn't bring it up

"why you staring? just because I saw ur- "

he shrieked and hif his face in his hands

Angry boi got angry, but Satan's classy so he just walked up to the door, told you to kindly fuck off and locked it. And he was in a sour mood for the remainder of the day. 
You kept poking fun at him too, making little jokes about how he puts socks on before anything else (who tf? psychopaths)
Not a good idea, now you're in trouble, being chased down the hallways by the demon of wrath. 
Well, rip mc. 

What do you expect? this was the perfect opportunity to make a less then innocent comment. That's exactly what the avatar of lust did when you walked into his bedroom. Terrible timing on your part, he had just walked out of his steam-filled bathroom. somehow even when wet, his hair looked great. You kept staring for a while in awe or rather shock, before he finally spoke up,

"wanna join in Y/n?"

You blushed and shook your head no,

"oh come on it's unfair if i'm the only one standing nude like this"

"then i-i'll see myself out"

still wide-eyed you shut his door and walked away. 

Beel had just finished working out and wanted to get out of his sweaty clothes, you walked into his room as soon as he was getting his shirt over his head. You'd seen beel shirtless before but this was right after a workout, so there were sweat beads gently rolling down his very toned body.
You were blushing like crazy but he didn't seem to mind or understand what was the matter

"oh hey Y/n"

You couldn't muster a response so you just shut the door and left leaving beel confused.

It happened when he was getting ready for school, being so lazy meant he was always last to leave the house of lamentation. And usually Lucifer sent you to drag him out of his room and make sure he'd get to class on time. Well today to your surprise you didn't need to wake him up, he was already up... and getting changed. 
You opened the door and got flustered immediately, he just shrugged and kept dressing up while you stood at the door, 

"Let's go? ""

He was probably too tired to care seeing as he woke up earlier than usual, to avoid an awkward conversation you just went along with it as if nothing happened. 

A/N: YES i finnally finished this one, now onto the side characters... 😭im having really bad writer's block but oh well, im back yayy
also follow me hehehhe, I have no shame. if you want to you can if you dont than oh well 

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