When they accidentaly hurt you

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Sorry for my absence besties I was too busy doing stuff, what stuff? Ur mom

Anyways, it's time I reappear and give you the content you desire, pt 2 for the other characters will be up soon
It happened completely by chance, wrong time wrong place you could say. Lucifer had been chasing Mammon around the house and you, alerted by the commotion, stepped outside your room.
Your face hit Lucifer's chest with such a force it managed to cause a nosebleed. Upon seeing what had happened, a wide-eyed Lucifer stepped out of his demon form and hurried to help you. After making sure the blood stopped he helped you clean up and apologized for getting so carried away.

This isn't uncommon, between the pair of you many ideas are thought up but none of which are necessarily good.
Today Mammon brought you gambling with him, as a sort of good luck charm. He got so into it and you were barely keeping up especially with all the other towering demons playing their money.
After the excitement of a win, Mammon accidentally slammed his elbow into your stomach. He of course freaked out but you assured him it would probably just leave a bruise. He still felt bad and later on used the money he won to buy you a gift.

He managed to twist another limb of yours again, this time your wrist. You had been playing video games all day with Levi and needed to stretch your legs a bit, that's when you noticed the demon's newest purchase. A limited edition figurine of your favorite character.
You reached your hand to it and that's when, with way more force than he intended, he grabbed your wrist. You screamed at first which made he snap out of it and begin panicking and crying. To make amends (mostly make him feel better) he let you touch the figurine.

Well, he is the avatar of wrath after all. This was a likely possibility from the start but you chose to test your luck today. He'd been peacefully reading before your arrival, you began to look all over the place and make senseless and obnoxious questions. He seemed annoyed but this wasn't enough to satisfy your boredom. So you began reading over his shoulder and , overall, being clingy.
After accidentally damaging a page of his book, the situation boiled up and he had had enough, he shoved you into a wall and you hit your head. After realizing he'd hurt you he calmed down and apologized profusely, feeling once again that he is nothing but his anger. Afterwards he provided you with ice and together you fixed up the ripped page.

Asmo had just gotten his nails done and they were especially sharp. Elegant in a pink color that suited him but possibly a danger.
I'm the rush of an afternoon spent shopping with him, not that you had any choice in the matter, his sparkly manicure scratched your arm leaving behind marks as if you'd been clawed at by a cat.
He was just trying to keep you close inside the crowd of passerbys. And now you were listening to him whine over "ruining your skin". The shopping trip got cut short, you were taken care of back at home and given a sparkly bandaid.

Beel is a sweetheart he could never hurt a fly. Well, except when he's hungry. In fact he might as well eat the fly.
You were caught in the unpleasant moment when Beel suddenly grew hungry and you hadn't a single crumb with you to give him.
In a daze of hunger, the gluttonous demon sunk his teeth into your shoulder (before y'all comment anything go read a bible). He eventually broke out of it and guilted himself for not being able to control his hunger, you assured him you didn't mind and that from now on you'd bring snacks with you. Your only issue was explaining why of all places you had a bite mark there.

Belphie: (a bit of spoilers)
👀 well...
Ever since the incident,  Belphie took care to never lash out at you, he already felt eternally disappointed with himself for almost being the end to your life.
In case he did, hurt you, he wouldn't admit to it but he cried remembering what he'd done before. Then he'd cuddle with you all day, his arms were the only place you were safe in his eyes but he didn't want to feel like he was what you needed to be kept safe from

This is a good use of my DT class right?
Not like we do much anyways.
Well thanks for coming 💃

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