When you're sick

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A/n: I do have favorite characters but I try my best not to be biased, sorry if it seems like I put more effort in some brothers than on others

Can you tell which one is my favorite? lol

Anyways enjoy the stories. 😊


You were heading out to school when Lucifer noticed you had tired expression on your face and were sniffling because of your stuffed nose.

-Lucifer: Y/n are you ok?

-You: Y-yeah

You said trying to sound convincing but to your luck you erupted in a sneezing fit giving Lucifer enough reason to make you stay home.
He took you back to your room and told you to get some rest constantly checking in to bring you soup or to check in. Whilst you were asleep he would smile looking over at you and plant a kiss on your forehead before leaving to let you sleep peacefully.

During class you felt sick and had to go home but you were feeling too dizzy to walk by yourself só Mammon volunteered to bring you home.
You had your arm hung around his shoulders as he walked you home.

-Mammon: Oi, Y/n are you good?

It felt like a stupid question to him since you were clearly not feeling well.
You just groaned something about feeling dizzy making him worry even more.

-Mammon: if you're too dizzy I'll just carry you home!

He then picks you up which takes you by surprise but you thank him nonetheless and fall asleep as he carries you back home.

You weren't feeling well and had been napping the whole day or at least trying to. You had a headache from the cold you were suffering through and it was keeping you awake. Looking over at you phone you found multiple unread messages from Levi, you were supposed to watch anime with him

He must be so mad at me right now I should go apologize

You thought to yourself as you put on you slippers and headed to his room.

-You: hey Levi I'm sorry for not coming over I fell asleep but we can still watch anime.

Your sentence is filled by coughing and sneezing this worries Levi who was mad at you but realized you were just sick

-Levi: Y-y/n you're sick! We can still watch anime b-but you better rest.

You lay down beside him on his bed and watch anime with him your fatigue eventually getting the best of you and making you fall asleep in his arms.

You came into Satan's room to borrow a book but as you were asking him you started a couching fit making him worry about you.

-Satan: Are you ok Y/n?

-You: yes I'm just feeling a little bit sick.

- Satan: you should be resting right now, I'll read that book for you.

You lay down next to him in his bed leaning against him as he reads to you, you had always loved his voice it was soothing making you feel sleepier and sleepier which led to you falling asleep mid-story. He noticed you sleeping smiled and just continued reading in silence to not wake you up.

Asmo hates seeing you sick being the clingy demon he is he was frustrated that he couldn't hug or kiss you. He would do anything to have feeling better faster.

-Asmo: I love you but I don't want to get sick it's bad for the skin.

He would keep at a safe distance for the sake of his beautiful skin but he ran warm baths with scented oils just for you, the steam making your nose clear up and the scent helping you relax and getting rid of your headache. In the end you did get better faster and he was able to cling on to you again.

- Asmo: yay never get sick again ok?

Beel made sure that , when you were suck, you ate well claiming that good food will heal your health. He would even cook for you, he had to try his hardest not to eat the food but if it was for you it was worth it

- Beel: I made you your favorite soup!

- You: aww thanks so much Beel.

As you drank your large boil of soup you couldn't help but notice Beel eyeing your food and you could hear his stomach growling.

-You: do you want some ?

- Beel: yes, wait no, you're sick you need to get better so eat up.

You felt so important to see that Beel would give up on food for you and happily drank the rest feeling much better.

Belphie had noticed your sneezing g and coughing all day he was worried for you. That night you couldn't fall asleep because of your headache and as you tossed around the bed you hear the door knob slowly turning. You were creeped out at first but then the door was opened and you sat up

-You: B-Belphie?

He came in with a cup of water and cold Medicine, after taking it he laid down beside you and hugged your waist.

-You: B-Belphie you're gonna get sick this way are you su-

-Belphie: I don't care you're sick you should rest.

He replied pulling you back down on the bed and stroking your hair. He usually was the first to fall asleep but he made sure to stay awake until you slept.

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