"Shark week"

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When it's that time of the month😳
Edited: I originally put this as fem reader but I'm keeping it gender neutral for all the folks who bleed but don't identify as women.
Sorry for only doing this now 😣

Lucifer woke up to see you doubled over in pain laying beside him in bed. He didn't show it on the outside but he was worried sick,

-Lucifer: what's wrong?

You explain your situation, he gets up and leaves

-You: L-Luci?

He returns shortly with medicine and a cup of water. He spends the next week taking care of you, feeding you chocolate every now and then and making sure you feel comfortable.


You were on your phone in bed when Mammon came asking to hang out. You were about to get up when a wave of cramps hit you and you fell back down in pain. Mammon was immediately concerned

-Mammon: ah Y-Y/N what happened.

You explained to him that you were on your period and in a lot of pain. He was understanding and ,for the next week, he spoiled you with chocolate and cuddled with you every time you felt pain. He said he needed to be by your side but you think it's just an excuse to be clingy although you don't mind, you love having him around you all the time.

Levi was worried when you didn't come to his room to play video games as you'd usually do, so he came to you instead. Heading inside your room he found you clenching at your stomach in pain on your bed, immediately he panicked,

-Levi: ahh Y-y/n are you ok?

You told him you were experiencing intense cramping,

-You: I-it's fine.

-Levi: N-No it's not f-fine, you're in pain.

He brings back anime and snacks and you snuggle together to watch eventually falling asleep in his arms. For the next week, even when you don't notice, he goes easier on you. Letting you win in video games and spending more time cuddling with you instead of playing dating sims.

You were hanging out in Satan's room reading a book when suddenly a wave of cramps hit you. you clenched at the sides of your arm chairs as you breathed in deeply trying your hardest not to be noticed. But Satan did notice when you accidentally screamed out in pain.

-Satan: Y/n what happened?!

He said looking at you wide eyed as you clutched your lower abdomen.

-You: It's fine it's just-

You confess to him that you're on your period, he closes his book setting it down on the table beside him and walks over to the chair you were seated at. He pulls you up helping you walk over to his bed where he lays down beside you hugging you gently.

-Satan: would you like me to read a book to you?

-You: Yes please.

He hugs you as he reads to you, you slowly close your eyes falling asleep feeling much better.

You were on your period and feeling very fatigued and in pain, just by how lazily you were dressed Asmo could already tell something was up,

-Asmo: Y/n are you alright?

-You: Yeah, why?

As soon as you respond a wave of cramps hit you. You confess to being on your period and Asmo helps you walk over to his bed where you sit down.
He goes into the bathroom leaving the door slightly open and you hear the sound of water running as well as a sweet scent of roses in the air.

-Asmo: I made a bubble bath for you, it will totally help you, enjoy!!

You get up and enter the bathroom quickly closing the door before Asmo can follow you in. You take a nice long bath in the gorgeous bathroom of  and the Avatar of lust. Just as he said it totally eased your pain and you felt much better.

You had just started your period and felt a lot of pain, you were heading downstairs to the kitchen to warm up a heating pad and to get a cup of water to take your medicine with. You were hoping no one would see you since you didn't feel like having to explain your situation to the brothers.
Reaching the kitchen you found Beel, this was no surprise but you needed a way to do what you had to without being questioned.

-You: hey Beel.

He replied with a friendly "hello Y/n" not stopping his snacking. You decided he was too distracted to notice anything and went ahead. That's when you were hit by cramps.

-Beel: Y/n! Are you ok?

You sighed and explained to him what had happened. He stopped snacking and picked something up putting it into your mouth. It was chocolate,

-Beel: you have to eat something with the medicine.

You enjoyed the chocolate and felt much better.

You came into the attic to ask Belphie where Beel was when suddenly you felt pain,

-You: Hey Belphie where's Bee- ahhh!

He sat up,

-Belphie: Y/n what's wrong?

You tell him about your period and your cramps. He gets up and walks up to you, you were holding your stomach in pain when he picked you up,

-You: B-Belphie!

He didn't say anything, he jut put you down on the bed and handed you his pillow, you hugged it tight to your body and he walked to the other side and laid down as well spooning you close to him.

-You: Thanks Belphie.

You mumbled into his pillow falling asleep with him.

The end

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