Hidden relationship (mammon x reader)

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A/n: 😭 I'm sorry I forgot about it
Requested by @PeachViolxt


Early morning, and I mean early. About 4am in the morning you made your way out of your boyfriend's room.
You and the second-born were in a relationship but decided to keep it a secret.Being the human of the house you of course were the center of attention, it'd really be a hassle if the brothers were to find out.
Soon enough you were back into your own cold bed before anybody woke up and asked you what you were doing.
It felt lonely to be apart from him after spending yet another night in his arms.
By 07:00 all were awake and at the dining table for breakfast.
You too took your seat and enjoyed your meal... until

"Y/n-Chan you're so cute why don't you come to school with me today"

The 5th born requested.
It was no big deal to get comments like this but it would always end up in a fight for your attention.
A fight your own boyfriend refused to back down from and would often end up hurt from, blame his own jealousy.

-time skip brought to you by god's chihuahua-

Now it was noon, you were exhausted. To make matters worse, Solomon was over for dinner, again. He seemed to have a thing for you and could often get quite handsy.


The wizard squeaked at the entrance where you'd welcomed him in with a hug a bit to tight for your comfort.

"When is it your turn to come over to purgatory hall, we could have so much fun together"

He smirked, a pure sentence from which dirt hid behind. His intentions were far from pure.

"Sure we could all come around your place sometime"

You put on an innocent smile and blocked his advances best way you could, acting oblivious.

"No, I mean just you and me"

He took your hand and that was enough to send mammon off the edge, he angrily grabbed your hand and took you to his room.

"What's wron-"

You were cut off by a pair of lips against your own, his lips.
He aggressively yet passionately kissed you like the greedy man he is.
Until the door burst open,

"Ahhh their kissing! Bunch of normies"

Levi yelped,

You blushed profusely while faced with the rest of the demons and one shady sorcerer.

"Y/n's mine and I'm not sharing them!"

Mammon told them off practically growling,

"So does this mean you two are dating?"

"Yeah, so back off"

Seeing him standing up to his brothers and being so protective of you was hot you can't lie.

"Fair enough, dinners ready"

The eldest said with no hint of emotion, completely cool-headed but you knew deep inside he was jealous, all of them were that their 'scummy' brother was the one who caught your heart.
But with the secret out things became much calmer except for a bit of tension lingering in the air during that specific dinner.
After all it was a bit of a shock but you paid no mind to it you were totally in love and had eyes only for mammon.

The end
A/n: so sorry for the wait in this one 😓 o hope you enjoy it though!!

Have a cookie 🍪 stay safe! And luv ya 💕

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