Pudding (Beel x reader)

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Beel was on cooking duty today and Lucifer had asked you to help him and make sure he doesn't eat the food before it's ready.
You and Beel were in the kitchen making Soup for dinner although you were in charge of dessert. For dessert you were making chocolate pudding with whipped cream on top.
You were mixing the ingredients when Beel swooped in and got some of the batter on his fingers to lick.

-You: Hey! It's not ready yet.

-Beel: I couldn't help it, it just looks so good.

You playfully throw a bit of flour on him and giggle. He in turn throws more food at you. Your silly fight became a full on war, a good war.
Lucifer came into the kitchen to ask what was taking so long and saw both of you covered in food.

-Lucifer: just get the food ready and clean yourselves up!

He sighed and left leaving both of you embarrassed. You laughed and put the pudding in the oven. You grab the spoon you were using to mix and extend it to Beel,

-You: want some?

He nods but instead kisses your lips and the whipped cream that had gotten on them. You blush,

-Beel: Mm, good.

You clean yourselves up and the kitchen before bringing the food out to everyone. All throughout dinner you keep remembering what happened in the kitchen and blush making the brothers think you've got a fever.

-Mammon: Oi Y/n are ya ok? your face is all red!

-Beel: ah I think that's my fault, sorry Y/n.

Your blush turns an even deeper shade of red,


Mammon freaks out of course but you're still able to enjoy the food.
After eating the pudding you head upstairs to your room. You lay down and touch your lips remembering the sweet kiss Beel gave you, smiling before falling asleep.

The end

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