Horror movie (Mammon x reader)

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Saturday was movie night at the house of Lamentation it was Mammon's turn to pick a movie. Surprisingly enough he went for a spooky movie.

-Lucifer: are you sure you want to pick this movie?

-Levi: yeah always get way too scared at horror movies.

-Mammon: shut up, of course I can handle it.

He didn't sound very convincing but you didn't blame him, you yourself were terrified of anything horror related. Lucifer just sighed and started the movie. Mammon was visibly nervous, cold sweat rolling down the sides of his face as he tried his best to look unbothered.
When goosebumps occurred he tried his best not to scream but failed, you didn't even bother hiding the fact you were scared, to them it was a cute trait of yours.
The movie ended in a suspenseful cliffhanger and everyone got up. You were practically trembling going up the stairs but Lucifer had warned you both that watching a horror movie wasn't a great idea so you couldn't complain.
You got in bed trying your best to fall asleep but you couldn't manage, not after watching the scary movie.
You lie awake starting at the ceiling covered almost all the way up in your blankets when suddenly you hear a soft knock on the door.

-You: w-who's there.

You try to say but end up whispering to yourself as you're frozen in place staring at the door. Harder knocks sound the door this time making you even more fearful, there was a similar scene in the movie you couldn't help remembering during this moment.
You gather enough courage to stand up and walk to the door slowly reaching to the door bob and turning it but before you can open it the door busts open and you fall to the ground.

-You: Ahhh

You scream at the sudden happenings but are relieved to see Mammon standing at the door,

-Mammon: Oi what was taking you so long to open the door?

He extends a hand helping you off the floor,

-Mammon: don't tell me you're scared.

You admit to being terrified of the movie and plead for him to stay a while

-Mammon: well since you're scared I guess I can stay a bit

-You: thanks but what were you doing coming here this time at night anyways?

-Mammon: I-it's not like I-I'm scared ya know,I am the great Mammon I never get scared!

You giggle making him blush, he gets invés with you and you hold each other in a comforting hug. After a while you feel safe enough and fall asleep in each other's arms

-You: Mammon.

-Mammon: hmm?

-You: Thank you

You kiss him in the cheek before falling back asleep.

-Mammon: thank you too.

He mumbles to himself thinking you weren't listening. You smile cuddling even closer to him.
The end.

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