When you fall asleep on the couch

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A/n: this was inspired by that image, srry it took so long to put this here I just couldn't find them, if you know who the artist is pls tell me much appreciated 🥺🙏

He sees you sleeping on the couch and wonders if you're feeling cold. He takes off his coat and lays it on top of you.

-Luci: they shouldn't be sleeping here

He carries you in his arms all the way back to his study where he can work and keep watch over you. You wake up to see him passed out on his table and take the coat he lent you and lay on top of him smiling as you leave his study room.

Mammon has been looking for you when he found you asleep on the couch.

-Mammon: what is Y/N doing sleeping in a place like this?

He mutters to himself picking you up gently to carry you back to your room and trying his best not to wake you up. When you wake up in your bed you see him leaning his head against your bed whilst seating on the floor.

Levi sent you many text messages asking you to come play video games with him but when you didn't reply he got worried and cane out of his room to look for you. After finding you sound asleep in the couch he couldn't help but blush, you were so cute asleep.

-Levi: stupid n-normies

He muttered as he sat down on the floor and leaned his head against the couch pulling out his phone to play games as he waited for you to wake up. When you did wake up he was asleep. He looked so cute when he was asleep, you picked up a blanket and draped it over his and your shoulders falling asleep again next to him.

Satan came liking for you when he found you asleep on the couch. He stared at you for a while but then left and came back with a book and blanket in hand, he laid the blanket on top of you and sat down on the empty space to read his book as he waited for you to wake up.

-Satan: I'll just wait for Y/N to wake up

When you woke up he was asleep with the book still in his hand. You laid the blanket over his shoulder and started reading the book yourself.

Asmo saw you sound asleep on the couch and had an idea. As you were asleep he went back to his room and brought his nail polish.

-Asmo: ooh this color is so adorable on Y/N

He had painted your nails on both your hands and toes when he also felt sleepy, he went back to get his beauty sleep as you woke up and smiled at your colorful nails.

You were asleep on the couch where Beel found you. He had a bag of chips in hand but immediately stopped eating so that's the crinkling sound of the bag wouldn't wake you up.

-Beel: I hope I don't wake Y/N up

He then picked you up and carried you back to your room leaving the other bag of chips he bought in your room for when you woke up.

-Beel: they should eat as soon as they wake up

When you woke up you enjoyed the bag of chips happy to have something to eat as soon as you were up.

Belphie who was always asleep couldn't fall asleep today so he went looking for you finding you passed out on the couch.

-Belphie: this couch isn't big enough for two.

He picked you up carrying you all the way up to the attic and laying you down on the bed before flopping down beside you and holding you in his sleep. When you woke up, Belphie was still asleep holding on to your waist, you smiled looking back at him and laying back down as he hugged you even tighter.

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