Platonic love

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Requested by my brain, I crave platonic scenarios

Idk what y'all's take on this is so I decided to keep it small.

Luci: the father figure (👀)
- He looks out for you like he does his brothers
- complains about how much trouble you cause him
- but it makes him smile and honestly it's what gets him by
- knowing you rely on him

Mammon: the tag-along
- he's just there, whenever you need him
- always on board, you two you are chaos inducers
- in a good sense though, this is the most fun he's ever had.
- both of you rely on each other emotionally and take turns talking shi- I mean venting it out

Levi: the loyal friend
- he only really has you as a friend, well and a fish-
- but this means tou have many inside jokes and show references
- when you're together it's like you're from a whole different world, the world of the socially awkward

Satan: the tutor friend
- that smart friend that always helps you with your homework.
- not just homework, any type of problem
- already ready to give you some rational and sensible advice
- as much as it's annoying that he's right all the time

Asmo: the sister
- he adores you as if you were his little sister
- helps you figure out to ur style and your identity
- something about him just feels so caring, even the teasing
- and rough patches are his time to shine, or rather make you shine again.

Beel: the protector friend
- ranting to him in the dead of night in the kitchen
- fixing your problems with good food
- sharing as a show of aprecciation
- it just feels lighter to be around him

Belphie: the close friend
- close as in physically
- if you don't cuddle you besties what are you even doing?
- finding comfort in physical touch
- literally not giving a sht over anything
- comfort level is high, I imagine this is the type of friendship where you can get changed in front of them and they won't care.

My quench is thirsted.

Wait no that's not how it goes but it's 1 am so I'm leaving it as is.

Anyways, yeah platonic relationships 😎

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