Pay me back (mammon x reader)

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You had lent money to Mammon two weeks ago and he still hadn't paid you back. You started getting annoyed and marched up to his room to ask him where your money was.

-You: hey when are you going to pay me back

He looked at you wide eyed as he had just remembered that he didn't have money to pay you back.

- Mammon: I swear I'll pay ya back just give me a week.

-You: Fine, you have one week to pay me back.

You couldn't resist his pleading puppy eyes and gave in. The next week you didn't see him around much at the house of Lamentation, he was always in a rush at the end of the day when everyone headed home from RAD.

-You: hey Mammon wanna walk home with me?

-Mammon: Ah Y/N sorry I'm in a rush maybe another day.

You were quite suspicious of what he was doing but more so upset at the lack of his presence. He was always clinging onto you spending every second of his time with you and now he never had time for you.
The others noticed your gloomy mood at dinner but you didn't tell them what was bothering although one of the brothers had a guilty look on his face, Mammon.
By the end of the week you didn't even feel like leaving bed you spent the whole Saturday shut in just like Levi. But on Sunday Mammon showed up on your door holding a bag.

-Mammon: can I come in?

You let him in despite being upset at him. He notices you upset and knows it's his fault.

- Mammon: Oi I know I haven't been around much and I'm sorry but I can pay you back now

- You: I don't want your money anymore

He finally revealed that the item in the bag was a gift for you he bought with the money he was going to use to pay you back

-Mammon: I thought you would like it much better than just money

Blushing as he states this. You look at him your mood instantly improving as you open the bag and see a bracelet you had been eyeing one day when you were out shopping with him

- Mammon: do you like it?

-You: Yes! Of course thank you so much

You throw your arms around him catching him off guard for a moment but he wraps his arms around you returning your hug.

-Mammon: I'm sorry.

-You: it's fine

You reply kissing his cheek making him blush.
The end

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